Using the Android SDK

Using the SDK

Initialize the SDK

To initialize the Voice SDK add the following in the onCreate function of your Activities and Services classes that need to use the Voice SDK APIs.

class MyService: LifecycleService() {

   val voice by lazy { Voice.getInstance() }

   override fun onCreate() {

Collect log information from the SDK

lifecycleScope.launch {
    voice.loggedData.collect { voiceLog ->
        // Process received log

The Voice SDK sends log information to the application.

Note: References to Voice in this document pertain to the voice object.

Register and Activate a Voice User

In order for the Voice SDK to function correctly, you need to add Voice user information to make and receive calls. Use the following for user data:

val userConfiguration = userConfiguration {
    accountId = "YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID"
    userId = "YOUR_USER_ID"
    msisdn = "YOUR_DEVICE_NUMBER"
    jwtToken = "YOUR_JWT_TOKEN"
    displayName = "YOUR_NAME"


*msisdn is optional.

*The deviceId is the device unique identifier, preferably FirebaseInstanceId. Please refer to Work with instance IDs and GUIDs for more information.

The Voice SDK also requires application information in the setup. Use the following for application data:

val sessionConfiguration = sessionConfiguration {
    applicationId = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID
    baseUrl = "VOICE_BASE_URL"
    pushToken = "YOUR_PUSH_TOKEN"

Note: The Voice URL is provided by the console when you request access to the Voice SDK.

Once you have the configurations ready, use them to activate the Voice SDK. For example:

configuration {
    userConfiguration = userConfig
    sessionConfiguration = sessionConfig
try {
} catch(e: RegistrationException) {
    // Log the error

Upon activation, the application is ready to make and receive calls.
To check if the user is registered and activated, use


Note: Use the result of this function to determine whether or not the user requires activation.

SDK state

The Voice SDK allows you to get updates about sdk state. You can collect it using the following StateFlow object:

lifecycleScope.launch {
  voice.state.collect { state ->
    // Handle the state

Request runtime permissions

The Voice SDK requires access to READ_PHONE_STATE and RECORD_AUDIO permissions in order to successfully place and receive calls. Apps targeting API level 31 or above will additionally need READ_PHONE_NUMBERS permission. If you attempt to place or accept a call without the necessary permissions granted, one of the following exceptions will be delivered in the VoiceCallResult: RTCException.PhoneAndMicPermissionDeniedException, RTCException.PhonePermissionDeniedException or RTCException.MicPermissionDeniedException

Place a call

In order to place a call, the Voice SDK requires the callee contact information. Use the VoiceContact object from the Voice SDK to create the callee information.

Once the contact object is ready you can place a call using the following:

when(val voiceCallResult = voice.placeCall(contact)) {
    is VoiceCallResult.Success -> { /* handle the call */ }
    is VoiceCallResult.Failure -> { /* handle the error */ }

Note: When the necessary Permissions are not provided, placing a call will fail with a PermissionNotGranted exception.

Mid-call features

The Voice SDK provides APIs to interact with an active VoiceCall. These actions are:

  • accept()
  • reject()
  • endAndAccept()
  • hangup()
  • mute()
  • unmute()
  • hold()
  • resume()

You can also query the state of incoming calls such as isIncoming, isPeerOnHold, isMuted, and callStartTime.

The Voice SDK allows a user to have a second incoming call while a call is in progress. Updates are available via voice.voiceCallState, which has the type of SharedFlow<VoiceCallState>. The Voice SDK provides functionality to end the ongoing call and accept an incoming call using the endAndAccept action. The default accept behavior is to put the ongoing call on hold and accept the incoming call.

Call updates

In order to receive call updates use voice.voiceCallState which delivers a VoiceCallState object:

voice.voiceCallState.collect { voiceCallState ->
  when(voiceCallState) {
    is VoiceCallState.Added -> {
        // Call recently added
    is VoiceCallState.Failed -> {
      // Call that failed with an exception.
    is VoiceCallState.HoldUpdated -> {
      // Call that has been moved on hold because of accepting another incoming call.
    is VoiceCallState.Removed -> {
        // Call failed or finished.
    is VoiceCallState.Updated -> {
        // Call that's recently updated.    

Receive a call

The application needs to receive push notifications via FCM. If you are not using FCM on your project refer to this Firebase topic.

The application receives a push notification via the FirebaseMessagingService object as an indication of an incoming call. Once the application receives the push notification, it needs to check if the notification is for an incoming call. Use:

val isVoiceNotification = voice.isVoiceNotification(data)

If the notification is for an incoming call, it is passed along with its context to the Voice SDK. To process an incoming call the Voice SDK starts a Foreground Service which requires a notification to be displayed by the application. The notification is displayed for a very short time and may display text such as Incoming call. This notification can be replaced by another notification with Accept and Reject actions as soon as updates are received.

If you wish to present a view as soon as the incoming call is connected, use:

voice.callActions.collect {  callAction ->
  when(callAction) {
      // Show UI to present the incoming call to the user
    CallAction.MUTE_INCOMING_CALL -> {
      // Call the API to mute the ringing

Note: Start the collection before the receiveCall in order to present your notification or view.

Once the notification is ready, use the following:

when(val callResult = voice.receiveCall(data, notification)) {
  is VoiceCallResult.Failure -> {
      // Handle the error
  is VoiceCallResult.Success -> {
      // Handle the success

Update contact information

For any active call, you can update the contact information by using the following:

voice.updateContact(call.uuid, contact)


Audio control

The Voice SDK allows you to switch your audio output during a call by using the following:


In order to receive audio updates collect callAudioOptionUpdates passes on VoiceCallAudioOption:

lifecycleScope.launch {
  voice.callAudioOptionUpdates.collect { voiceCallAudioOption ->
    // Handle audio option

The SDK allows you to easily toggle between audio options. It follows the following:
VoiceCallAudioOption.EARPIECE to VoiceCallAudioOption.SPEAKER,
VoiceCallAudioOption.SPEAKER to VoiceCallAudioOption.EARPIECE,
VoiceCallAudioOption.BLUETOOTH to VoiceCallAudioOption.EARPIECE

To toggle between audio options use:


Note: audioOption is of the type VoiceCallAudioOption which consists of the values of BLUETOOTH, SPEAKER, and EARPIECE.

Update push notification token and phone number

After registration the push token and phone number that are provided during activation can be reconfigured.

To update the push token, add the following to the class which extends FirebaseMessagingService:

override fun onNewToken(token: String) {
    when(val result = voice.updatePushToken(token)) {
        is ResultWrapper.Success -> {/* Handle success */ }
        is ResultWrapper.Error -> { /* Handle error */ }

To update the phone number, use the following:

when(val result = voice.updatePhoneNumber(phoneNumber)) {
    is ResultWrapper.Success -> {/* Handle success */ }
    is ResultWrapper.Error -> { /* Handle error */ }

Unregister and Deactivate Voice User

To deactivate or unregister a user, use the following method:

lifecycleScope.launch {

Proguard Rules

If minifyEnabled is set to true in your application:

  • Add the following in your file:
#noinspection ShrinkerUnresolvedReference
-keep class com.eght.voice.sdk.** { *; }
-keep class com.eght.sip.** { *; }
-keep class** { *; }
  • If the compiler complains about META-INF/* file collision after adding the proguard rules, you must add the following to your app-level build.gradle:
android {


   packagingOptions {
      pickFirst  '**'

Shared Preferences

In order to persist data, it is recommended that the Voice SDK is excluded from allowBackup. If your application needs the attribute android:allowBackup="true" in your AndroidManifest.xml file, we recommend doing the following:

Android 11 (API level 30) and lower

  • Create an xml file under the xml resource directory. We'll call it backup_rules.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <exclude domain="sharedpref" path="voice-sdk-preferences.xml"/>
    <exclude domain="sharedpref" path="rtcData.xml"/>
  • Add the following attribute to your AndroidManifest.xml:
  ... >

Android 12 (API level 31) and higher

  • Create an xml file under the xml resource directory. We'll call it data_extraction_rules.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <exclude domain="sharedpref" path="voice-sdk-preferences.xml"/>
    <exclude domain="sharedpref" path="rtcData.xml"/>

    <exclude domain="sharedpref" path="voice-sdk-preferences.xml"/>
    <exclude domain="sharedpref" path="rtcData.xml"/>
  • Add the following attribute to your AndroidManifest.xml:
  ... >

Note: The approaches must be combined for devices that are targeting API 31+ but have the minimum SDK set to a lower value.

Note: If you have android:allowBackup="false", you do not need to add this file nor add the fullBackupContent and/or dataExtractionRules attribute(s).