Issues sending and retrieving messages
Having some trouble with sending and retrieving messages.
First example I try to send a message to a room previously created called "API Test Room". Here's what I see:
curl --request POST
--url https://api.8x8.com/chat/api/chat/v1/messages/
--header 'accept: /'
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--header 'x-api-key: my-API-key-was-here'
--data '{"messageRaw":"test 123","room":"API Test Room"}'
Error received:
"error":"Not Found"
"message":"Room name not available"
Second example with getting messages from a room:
curl --request GET
--url 'https://api.8x8.com/chat/api/chat/v1/messages?pageSize=30&room=API%20Test%20Room&ts=0'
--header 'accept: /'
--header 'x-api-key: my-API-key-was-here'
"error":"Not Found"
"message":"Room name not available"
Am I missing something here? Thanks for the help.