JUMP TOContact Center Chat GatewayWebHooksRetrieves all customer webhooks based on the associated token information.getCreates a new customer webhook.postGet webhook by Id.getUpdates the full webhook resource by Id.putDeletes the webhook by Id.deleteThe endpoint used to validate that the webhook is working and reachable.postJwkKeysReturns the public JWK.getChannelsRetrieves all customer Chat API channels.getCreates a channel.postGet ChatAPI channel by Id.getUpdate ChatAPI channel by Id.putDelete ChatAPI channel by Id.deleteConversationsReturns all conversations belonging to the customer.getCreates a new conversation.postUpdate a conversation details.putPatch a conversation details.patchRetrieves conversation details.getReturns all conversations belonging to the customer.getParticipantsRetrieve the conversation participants.getUser leaves conversation.patchMessagesRetrieves the conversation messages.getSend a message.postRetrieves the conversation messages.getAttachmentsGet attachments in Conversation.getAdd an attachment.postGet an attachment from Conversation.getDownload attachment.getChapi - Chat APIchatSend a message to a public chat room.postFetches messages for a room. Defaults to `CHAPI sandbox` room.get8x8 Contact Center Dynamic CampaignsCampaign ControlThe change status for an existing campaign.patchRecord ManagementAdd a new customer to an existing campaignpostThis method deletes customers from an existing campaign.deleteContact Center Agent Status APIAgent statusObtain the status for tenant agents. Agents can be filtered by group. Pagination is currently not available.getThe bulk operation for setting the status for multiple agents.postObtains the status for a specific agent.getSets the agent status for a specific agent.putContact Center Agent Status APIAgent statusObtain the status for tenant agents. Agents can be filtered by group. Pagination is currently not available.getThe bulk operation for setting the status for multiple agents.postObtains the status for a specific agent.getSets the agent status for a specific agent.put8x8 Contact Center Chat API V2AuthenticationCreates a new access token that can be used for API access.postWebHooksRetrieves all customer webhooks based on the associated token information.getCreates a new customer webhook.postGet webhook by Id.getUpdates the full webhook resource by Id.putDeletes the webhook by Id.deleteThe endpoint used to validate that the webhook is working and reachable.postJwkKeysReturns the public JWK.getChannelsRetrieves all customer Chat API channels.getCreates a channel.postGet ChatAPI channel by Id.getUpdate ChatAPI channel by Id.putDelete ChatAPI channel by Id.deleteConversationsReturns all conversations belonging to the customer.getCreates a new conversation.postRetrieves conversation details.getRetrieve the conversation participants.getCustomers leaves conversation.deleteRetrieves the conversation messages.getSend a message.postUpdate ChatAPI channel by Id.put https://api.8x8.com/vcc/{region}/chat/v2/tenant/{tenant-id}/channels/{channel-id}Update ChatAPI channel by Id.