Audit Records

Retrieves audit records as an administrator.


As an administrator, you may need to access the audits across some 8x8 services.
Currently, administrator can retrieve audit records of following services:

  • platform - create, delete and update events in platform service.

The Audit records API currently supports following HTTP methods:

  • GET is supported to retrieve audit records.

1. Get Audits

This GET method paginates the audit records using scrollId. It provides an option to filter based on given query parameters. The sorting by attributes is not supported.

Base URL


Method: GET


x-api-keyβœ“API Credential Key from the Admin Console Processeght_Abcdhfakdlbdfsjkbskzkmxl


startTimeβœ“Start time for audit records (ISO 8601 format), it should be a maximum of 31 days before end time.2022-12-16T18:30:00.000Z
endTimeβœ“End time of audit records (ISO 8601 format).2023-01-16T18:30:00.000Z
serviceβœ“Name of a service that generated audit records.platform
displayName☐Name linked with entity i.e, if an entity is user it's userName, if an entity is RingGroup it is a ring group name. It also allows search using starts with(*abc) and ends with(abc*) wildcards.*Ring Group*
eventTypes☐Comma-separated strings of event types.create, delete, view
entityTypes☐Comma-separated strings of entity types.user, ringgroup, extension
auditUserId☐The identifier of a user who performed an audits action.HTHiKjDEFfK7X03ABCj_IQ
size☐Maximum number of items per page. It must be greater than zero. Default value is 20, maximum is 100.1
scrollId☐The scrollId parameter returned from your previous call. You can include this parameter in your next or subsequent calls to retrieve the next page of records. To retrieve the first page no need to provide scrollId.012345677-89abb-cdef-0123-456789abcdef

Full Request Example

curl --location '
entityTypes=RingGROUP, Agentgroup&
eventTypes=create, update&
scrollId=6bca6d01-774c-4115-8a03-eff95f430b06' \ 
--header 'x-api-key:eght_etk_039jfadf98j3f9a8jfa098fj3' \ 
--header 'Accept: application/json'


'scrollId' In Request

Above request retrieves page with scrollId in query parameter, if you want to get the first page don’t provide scrollId.


    "meta": {
        "totalRecordCount": 1,
        "scrollId": "1fc519a4-2008-4234-b720-9cfdaf8866e6"
    "data": [
            "id": "1fc519a4-2008-4234-b720-9cfdaf8866e6",
            "displayName": "test_bes",
            "customerId": "bes-tests-functional1",
            "auditTimestamp": "2023-05-02T20:57:34.956+00:00",
            "eventType": "create",
            "service": "platform",
            "entityType": "AgentGroup",
            "entityKey": "100",
            "auditUserId": "UgDHZNAZTduIVLE5lkjOkg",
            "impersonator": null,
            "details": "{\"id":41, \"name\":\"ungroup\",
                       \"agent_count\":13 }",
            "correlationType": null,
            "correlationId": null


'scrollId' In Response

When a user gets scrollId null in response it would mean there is no more data to retrieve for a given request. Thus, the scrollId value equal to null in response implies the last page.

Response body fields description

displayNameThe human readable form of the entityKey (where applicable). E.g., If the entityType is β€œuser”, this will contain the user’s first and last name.
auditTimestampThe date/time (in UTC) when the event was registered.
eventTypeSpecifies how the event changed/accessed the entity: create, update, delete, view, export.
serviceSpecifies which 8x8 service was involved in the event. At time of writing, only β€œplatform” is available; β€œplatform” refers to changes made in the 8x8 Admin Console.
entityKeyThe identifier of the entity that was changed/accessed in this audit event.
entityTypeSpecifies the type of entity that was changed/accessed in this audit event. E.g., user, extension, call forwarding.
auditUserIdThe identifier of the user who made the change (or accessed the record).
ImpersonatorIn rare cases where 8x8 agents make changes on behalf of customers (e.g., as a result of a support request), the impersonator column will contain the identifier of the user who made the change.
detailsContains the detailed information on which attributes of the changed entity were updated. This field is in JSON representation:
"changedAttributeName":"new value",
"newAttributeName":"added value"
"changedAttributeName":"old value",
"deletedAttributeName":"deleted value"

The β€œnew” object contains all of the newly-added attributes and the new value of changed attributes
The β€œold” object contains all of the deleted attributes and the old value of changed attributes.
correlationTypeWhen several changes are made to various entities as part of one change set, the correlationType displays the parent entity type. E.g., if an extension was assigned to a user during a user creation flow, the entityType would be β€œextension” and the correlationType would be β€œuser”.
correlationIdThe identifier of the parent entity of this change.