Cloud Storage Service Bulk Download

Customers looking to download content in bulk from Cloud Storage Service can follow the this multi step process. Use cases include downloading 8x8 Work Call Recordings, Meeting Recordings, Contact Center Recordings or any of the other data types in the Cloud Storage Service.


You will need a working API key to begin

How to get API Keys

To create a "Call Recording & Storage" API Keys, the user must first have the 'Cloud Storage API' assignment. This assignment must be granted by the Super Admin.

For interacting with Cloud Storage Service{region}/v{version}/

  • {region} to be replaced by a valid region based on region discovery
  • {version} to be replaced by current Version. Currently 3 resulting in /v3/

1. Authenticate to retrieve access token

OAuth Authentication for 8x8 XCaaS APIs is used to get a temporary access_token for use in with this API

Outputs For Next Step:

  • access_token
  • expires_in

The following steps will use the access_token as a Bearer Token form of authentication. This takes the form of the
Authorization header being set to Bearer access_token (Space between Bearer and the access_token)

2. Get My Regions

8x8 Cloud Storage Service persists data regionally based on the customer locations/setup. For many customers this may be a single region for others this can be a number of regions. Each Region contains it's metadata/database and storage only. You cannot search in "us-east" and find items in "uk" since this could involve data export.


Method: GET


Authorizationβœ“Pass the access_token returned from the authentication request as a Bearer token Bearer {access_token}Bearer kfjdfi3jfopajdkf93fa9pjfdoiap


regionβœ“Pass any valid region in for the discovery process. us-east or uk (The region does not need to be one of your regions for this requestus-east
versionβœ“The current version is v<<versionCSS>>v3

My Regions Request

curl --location --request GET '{region}/v<<versionCSS>>/regions' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'
curl --location --request GET '<<versionCSS>>/regions' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'
curl --location --request GET '<<versionCSS>>/regions' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

Regions Response


Outputs For Next Step:

  • region


Only one region at a time can be searched.

If you have multiple regions and your use case spans regions. If you want to download all recordings for a specific date then steps 3 - 5 need to be performed per region

3. Find Objects


Only objects with a state of AVAILABLE are returned unless other object states are specifically requested.

To return objects in multiple states specify this in the filter.
Example to return all objects that are REVOKED and AVAILABLE the filter should include (objectState==AVAILABLE,objectState==REVOKED)
In FIQL ; = AND and , = OR


Method: GET


Authorizationβœ“Pass the access_token returned from the authentication request as a Bearer token Bearer {access_token}Bearer kfjdfi3jfopajdkf93fa9pjfdoiap


regionβœ“The region you are want to search in. Must be one of the regions returned by the Regions requestus-east
versionβœ“The current version is v<<versionCSS>>v3


pageKey☐Optional on first page, first page is 0 (zero), see pagination example below.0
limit☐Number of records per page, 100 is the default.200
filter☐filter to apply when searching See FIQL Query Guidetype==callcenterrecording;duration=gt=100
sortField☐the field to sort oncreatedTime
sortDirection☐whether to sort ascending ASC or descending DESCASC

In our example we are going to find all Contact Center Call Recordings in the us-east region type==callcenterrecording that have a duration of over 100 seconds duration=gt=100 and we will sort be createdTime sortField=createdTime ascending sortDirection=ASC and get the first page pageKey=0 and get 100 records per page limit=100

Combined the query becomes filter=type==callcenterrecording;duration=gt=100&sortField=createdTime&sortDirection=ASC&pageKey=0&limit=100

Cloud Storage Service Objects has a more examples of filtering options.

Find Objects Request

curl --location --request GET '{region}/v<<versionCSS>>/objects?filter=type==callcenterrecording;duration=gt=100&sortField=createdTime&sortDirection=ASC&pageKey=0&limit=100' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' 

Find Objects Response



NOTE TAGS HAVE BEEN SHORTENED FOR SIMPLICITY, SEE Cloud Storage Service Objects for details on additional object types.


  "lastPage": true,
  "pageKey": 100,
  "pageSize": 2,
  "content": [
      "id": "58bc5748-339b-43c2-ad15-572a35dc3aad",
      "type": "callcenterrecording",
      "mimeType": "audio/mpeg",
      "objectName": "int-1819420cbe2-sHtEBArUkmmtmyczfbcDGWMwl-phone-00-supertenantcsm01.mp3",
      "checksumType": "MD5",
      "checksum": "922ce8066731381f4a843e0bcf013826",
      "customerId": "0012J00002KTQJYQA5",
      "userId": "TMZIdbKzQGWvvi_04IC9Lg",
      "storedBytes": 3644352,
      "createdTime": "2022-06-24T05:22:35",
      "updatedTime": "2022-06-24T05:22:37",
      "objectState": "AVAILABLE",
      "bucketId": "4339ea5d-36c2-4105-8225-1f8e916ebebe",
      "tags": [
          "key": "callId",
          "value": "int-1819420cbe2-sHtEBArUkmmtmyczfbcDGWMwl-phone-00-supertenantcsm01"
      "shared": false
      "id": "b6aca571-ebe2-40ed-b553-24b8dc3bc035",
      "type": "callcenterrecording",
      "mimeType": "audio/mpeg",
      "objectName": "int-181940b61ea-IMzQUGTvUjs03b07NaxsLqfJ3-phone-00-supertenantcsm01.mp3",
      "checksumType": "MD5",
      "checksum": "713aba80d38d371471bdb6357b66a8ff",
      "customerId": "0012J00002KTQJYQA5",
      "userId": "TMZIdbKzQGWvvi_04IC9Lg",
      "storedBytes": 96768,
      "createdTime": "2022-06-24T04:50:08",
      "updatedTime": "2022-06-24T04:50:08",
      "objectState": "AVAILABLE",
      "bucketId": "5a079a66-e669-4e68-a0a1-6481d1c5bfbc",
      "tags": [
          "key": "callId",
          "value": "int-181940b61ea-IMzQUGTvUjs03b07NaxsLqfJ3-phone-00-supertenantcsm01"
      "shared": false

Outputs For Next Step:

  • id's of the objects we want to download.
  • objectName => these will be the file names within the zip file after the zip is downloaded


This is controlled by pageKey and limit

  • limit is the number of records to return per page.
  • pageKey is the offset from the beginning of the returned content. Start at zero, if there are multiple pages then the returned pageKey will be the input for the next request.

Pagination Example
Assuming there will be 245 records in total. With an initial input of pageKey=0&limit=100 the returned meta data will be

    "lastPage": false,
    "pageKey": 100,
    "pageSize": 100,
    "content": [ ]

The request for the next page would be pageKey=100&limit=100 the pageKey has been incremented to the value returned, the following result would be.

    "lastPage": false,
    "pageKey": 200,
    "pageSize": 100,
    "content": [ ]

The request for the next page would be pageKey=200&limit=100 the pageKey has been incremented to the value returned, the following result would be.

    "lastPage": true,
    "pageKey": 300,
    "pageSize": 45,
    "content": [ ]

Note: the lastPage is now true indicating that there are no more records and the pageSize is 45 which is less than the requested limit of 100, be aware the pageKey HAS INCREMENTED and should NOT be used to determine if the last page has been reached.

4. Create Bulk Download


Method: POST


Authorizationβœ“Pass the access_token returned from the authentication request as a Bearer token Bearer {access_token}Bearer kfjdfi3jfopajdkf93fa9pjfdoiap


regionβœ“The region the objects are in. Must be one of the regions returned by the Regions requestus-east
versionβœ“The current version is v<<versionCSS>>v3


Array of object ids to be downloaded


Create Download Request

curl --location --request POST '{region}/v<<versionCSS>>/bulk/download/start' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '[

Create Download Response

Assuming success, the return will give information on the zipName of the download to be created, the status should be NOT_STARTED or DONE if it has completed very quickly


    "zipName": "",
    "status": "NOT_STARTED"

Outputs For Next Step:

  • status
  • zipName

5. Check Download Status

Check for the download status until the status equals DONE (or an error status..), most use cases are not time critical so leave a sensible delay between polling ( 15-30 seconds perhaps)


Method: POST


Authorizationβœ“Pass the access_token returned from the authentication request as a Bearer token Bearer {access_token}Bearer kfjdfi3jfopajdkf93fa9pjfdoiap


regionβœ“The region the objects are in. Must be one of the regions returned by the Regions requestus-east
versionβœ“The current version is v<<versionCSS>>v3
zipNameβœ“the zipName returned in the create download

Check Download Status Request

curl --location --request GET '{region}/v<<versionCSS>>/bulk/download/status/' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer  access_token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' 

Check Download Status Response

    "zipName": "",
    "status": "DONE"

Outputs For Next Step:

  • status
  • zipName

6. Download Zip File

Once the status is DONE then we can download the content


Method: POST


Authorizationβœ“Pass the access_token returned from the authentication request as a Bearer token Bearer {access_token}Bearer kfjdfi3jfopajdkf93fa9pjfdoiap


regionβœ“The region the objects are in. Must be one of the regions returned by the Regions requestus-east
versionβœ“The current version is v<<versionCSS>>vVERSIONCSS
zipNameβœ“the zipName returned in the create download

Download Zip File Request

curl --location --request GET '{region}/v<<versionCSS>>/bulk/download/' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Download Zip File Response

In the case of callcenterrecording the response will be a zip file containing 1 mp3 per object Id
The mp3 files will be named per the objectName from step 3.

Example file names within zip file:

  • int-181940b61ea-IMzQUGTvUjs03b07NaxsLqfJ3-phone-00-supertenantcsm01.mp3
  • int-1819420cbe2-sHtEBArUkmmtmyczfbcDGWMwl-phone-00-supertenantcsm01.mp3


The meta data and content type vary for each object type

The Zip file will contain the contents of the objects and the file names within the zip file will be the objectName. It is possible to request objects of multiple types in a single download so the content type/file type need not be the same.
Example: If you downloaded a callrecording and the transcript of the call then the content would be two files, one with mp3 content and one with json content.