Call Detail Records


Updated Endpoint

The Call Legs and Call Detail Records are dedicated endpoints to replace the previous Call Detail Record Legs endpoint which served both purposes

Call Records Explained

A Call Record is a single record view of the overall call and metrics represented by a single Call ID.

Example: A Call Record would be a single row representation of a call that follows the following path which would have multiple Call Legs to fully represent the journey.

  • Inbound to an Auto Attendant
  • Transferred to Ring Group
  • Simultaneous calls to 5 Ring Group members (Leg per member contacted regardless of outcome)
  • Answered by one of the members

8x8 Work Analytics Historical access is via this multi step process. For any of the endpoints the same process is followed.


You will need a working API key to begin

You can generate API credentials from How to get API Keys

The 8x8-api-key will be the Key generated. For Work Analytics the Secret from Admin Console is not required.

Use the following base URL during this process:


1. Authenticate to retrieve access token

You will use your API key combined with the user credentials of a user with permission and access to Work Analytics to authenticate, this user does not need to be the one who generated the API credentials


User must access Analytics at least once via browser

The users credentials will not be able to leverage the API until they have used Work Analytics via browser at least once


Method: POST


8x8-apikeyThe 8x8-api key providedtest_key_kjdfidj238jf9123df221
Content-TypeSet content type to form-urlencodedapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded


usernameThe 8x8 username of a user with Work Analytics access privilegessomeuser@acme.fakeco
passwordThe 8x8 password of the user with Work Analytics access privilegesRrnp5QBW6dTbx^TP

Authentication Request:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header '8x8-apikey: {8x8-apikey input here}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'username={8x8 username of user input here}' \
--data-urlencode 'password={8x8 password of user input here}'

Authentication Response:


    "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.yyyyyyy.zzzzzzzzzzz",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "expires_in": 1800

Outputs For Next Step:

  • access_token
  • expires_in

The token will expire in the number of seconds specified in expires_in.

The following steps will use the access_token as a Bearer Token form of authentication. This takes the form of the
Authorization header being set to Bearer access_token (Space between Bearer and the access_token)

2. Run Report


Method: GET


AuthorizationPass the access_token returned from the authentication request as a Bearer token Bearer {access_token}Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.yyyyyyy.zzzzzzzzzzz


versionThe current version for /call-records is v2v2


pbxIdPass the pbxId (PBX Name) of the requested pbx or comma separated list of pbxIds or allpbxes for all of the pbxs in the customer account. PBX names can be found here in Admin Consoleacmecorp,acmecorp2
startTimeThe interval start time for CDR searches - the format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.2022-10-20 08:30:00
endTimeThe interval end time for CDR searches - the format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.2022-10-20 19:00:00
timeZoneIANA Time Zones. Examples America/New_York, Europe/London Wikipedia Time Zone ListAmerica/New_York
pageSizeNumber of records to return in pages See Pagination. Must be50
scrollId☐/✓Not required for initial page required on subsequent pages. See Pagination

Call Records Request

As per the Open API specification guidelines, we have migrated the URLs for Call Record Report as give in the below table

Deprecated URL VersionMigrated URL (Current version)
v1/cdr?isCallRecord= truev2/call-records


Try out the CDR Records Request

You can check out CDR Records Reference but currently this one can't be tested from the Reference.

curl --location --request GET '{version}/call-records?pbxId={{pbxId here}}&startTime=2022-02-03 00:00:00&endTime=2022-02-03 10:00:00&timeZone=America/New_York&pageSize=50' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token here}' \
--header '8x8-apikey: {8x8-apikey input here}'

Call Records Response

For details on call-records metrics please refer toCDR Glossary and Details

    "meta": {
        "totalRecordCount": 2,
        "scrollId": "c3VwZXJ0ZW5hbnRjc21fMTYzNTU3MTA0ODM0NV8xNjQzODk3NDkyODk3"
    "data": [
            "dnis": "12025555720",
            "aaDestination": null,
            "callId": "1635571048351",
            "startTimeUTC": 1643898447493,
            "startTime": "2022-02-03T09:27:27.493-0500",
            "connectTimeUTC": 0,
            "connectTime": "0",
            "disconnectedTimeUTC": 1643898472253,
            "disconnectedTime": "2022-02-03T09:27:52.253-0500",
            "talkTimeMS": 0,
            "talkTime": "00:00:00",
            "caller": "+15555551220",
            "callerName": "MARK SMITH",
            "callee": "120088",
            "calleeName": "Jane Li",
            "direction": "Incoming",
            "callerId": "MARK SMITH,+15555551220",
            "missed": "Missed",
            "abandoned": "-",
            "answered": "-",
            "answeredTime": 0,
            "calleeDisconnectOnHold": "",
            "callerDisconnectOnHold": "",
            "pbxId": "acmecorppbx",
            "sipCallId": "170437510_134011744@",
            "lastLegDisposition": "Voicemail",
            "callLegCount": "1",
            "callTime": 24760,
            "ringDuration": 39,
            "abandonedTime": 0,
            "calleeHoldDurationMS": 0,
            "calleeHoldDuration": "00:00:00",
            "waitTimeMS": 0,
            "waitTime": "00:00:00",
            "departments": [
                "Sales Engineering"
            "branches": [
            "dnis": "15554441212",
            "aaDestination": null,
            "callId": "1635571048345",
            "startTimeUTC": 1643897492897,
            "startTime": "2022-02-03T09:11:32.897-0500",
            "connectTimeUTC": 0,
            "connectTime": "0",
            "disconnectedTimeUTC": 1643899189421,
            "disconnectedTime": "2022-02-03T09:39:49.421-0500",
            "talkTimeMS": 0,
            "talkTime": "00:00:00",
            "caller": "+15551234567",
            "callerName": "15551234567",
            "callee": "CallQueue",
            "calleeName": "Test Queue",
            "direction": "Incoming",
            "callerId": "15551234567,+15551234567",
            "missed": "Missed",
            "abandoned": "Abandoned",
            "answered": "-",
            "answeredTime": 0,
            "calleeDisconnectOnHold": "",
            "callerDisconnectOnHold": "",
            "pbxId": "acmecorppbx",
            "sipCallId": "393091583_134170459@",
            "lastLegDisposition": "Missed",
            "callLegCount": "1",
            "callTime": 1696524,
            "ringDuration": 197,
            "abandonedTime": 1696524,
            "calleeHoldDurationMS": 0,
            "calleeHoldDuration": "00:00:00",
            "waitTimeMS": 1696320,
            "waitTime": "00:28:16",
            "departments": [
                "East Office"
            "branches": [
                "East Coast"


Follow the pagination steps below to retrieve subsequent pages.


Within Work Analytics Only the /call-records and /call-legs endpoints are subject to pagination.
This is controlled by pageSize and scrollId

  • pageSize is the number of records to return per page and is required for /call-records
  • scrollId is returned from /call-records requests providing an id for the next page of results.

Pagination Example
Assuming there will be 81 records in total. With an initial input of pageSize=50 the returned meta data will be as follows.
Note: data has been truncated to an empty array to limit the size of the example text

    "meta": {
        "totalRecordCount": 81,
        "scrollId": "c3VwZXJ0ZW5hbnRjc21fMTYzNTU3MTA0ODQ4Nl8xXzE2NDM5MTIzNTI0NDE"
    "data": [

The request for the next page would include scrollId set as the value returned in the previous request pageKey=50&scrollId=c3VwZXJ0ZW5hbnRjc21fMTYzNTU3MTA0ODQ4Nl8xXzE2NDM5MTIzNTI0NDE

The new result set would look as follows. The returned result set would only have 31 elements.

    "meta": {
        "totalRecordCount": 81,
        "scrollId": "c3VwZXJ0ZW5hbnRjc21fMTYzNTU3MTA0ODM0NV8xXzE2NDM4OTc0OTI5MDM"
    "data": [

The request for the next page would be pageKey=50&scrollId=c3VwZXJ0ZW5hbnRjc21fMTYzNTU3MTA0ODM0NV8xXzE2NDM4OTc0OTI5MDM the scrollId has been set to the value returned in the previous request

    "meta": {
        "totalRecordCount": 0,
        "scrollId": "No Data"
    "data": []