Post Call Survey

Post call survey results


Post-call survey reporting has moved under the umbrella of Contact Center reporting.

For general access and structure guidelines, please refer to the documentation on the CC Historical Analytics Summary Reports and the CC Historical Analytics Detailed Reports.

The API specification is also available.

Creating reports

Post-call survey data is available via the CC API (v7 only) in either summary or detailed form:

Report nameTypeDescription
surveys-summarySummaryOverall metrics for the time period, grouped together by time according to the granularity parameter, and by an additional groupBy parameter.
survey-questions-summarySummaryQuestion-by-question aggregates for one or more surveys.
detailed-reports-surveyDetailedTabulated individual survey response data.

Full details are available at the GET /report-types endpoint.

Please see the corresponding documentation for the CC Historical Analytics Summary Reports and the CC Historical Analytics Detailed Report respectively for more specific documentation on how to create reports using these endpoints, and how to collect the data they specify.


Post-call survey data is only available in CC API version 7 or later

Fields and terms

Survey lifecycle metrics

Surveys go through many states as customers interact with them. We track those states, and report the data in the survey-summary report using this vocabulary:

Field nameDefinition
OfferedThe survey/question was presented to the user by IVR
OptedInThe user affirmatively interacted with the IVR to start the survey
StartedSome amount of the survey/question audio was presented to the user
CompletedThe user has completed the question interaction, or in the context of a survey, completed all questions and any final script segments


Agent-assisted surveys

For agent assisted surveys and standalone surveys (surveys with no IVR component), we are not able to offer metrics for Offered or OptedIn, because there was no IVR interaction, which is how we detect these states.

Question metrics

In the question-summary report, we collect data on how users specifically interact with individual questions.

Field nameDefinition
AnsweredThe user submitted a response to the question
SkippedThe user did not submit a response to the question before a timeout
HungUpThe user ended the call during the question audio or response period

This report also has a notion of valid and invalid inputs, and aggregates the keypad user input received in the survey in these separate categories.

Score metrics

Field NameDefinition
achievableScoreThe maximum score for a question. Or, in the case of a summary context, the sum of all maximum scores in the aggregation.
actualScoreThe score provided by the customer in response to the question. Or, in the case of a summary context, the sum of all provided scores in the aggregation
scorethe ratio of actualScore / achievableScore

This report also has a notion of valid and invalid inputs, and aggregates the keypad user input received in the survey in these separate categories.

Detail metrics

Detailed data for surveys and questions is available via our detailed reports API. Below, the fields the response may contained are described in more detail:

Field nameDescription
AgentIdsIds of agents that participated in the associated call
AgentNamesNames of agents from agentIds field
AnswerDigitIn the case of a keypad input question with a response, the digit pressed; otherwise, null
AnswerTypeone of "Recorded", "Skipped", "Valid", "Invalid"
CallerNameCaller ID name for non-agent member of the associated call
CallerNumberCaller ID number for non-agent member of the associated call
EndTimeTimestamp for the end of the survey
InteractionIdsInteractions associated with this survey or question
QuestionIdUnique identifier for a particular question
QuestionTitleTitle of a particular question
QuestionTypeOne of "scale", "yesNo", "voiceComment"
QueueIdsQueue ids that the associated call interacted with
QueueNamesNames of the queues from the queueIds field
ScaleMaxMaximum valid score for a question
ScaleMinMinimum valid score for a question
StartTimeTimestamp for the start of the survey
SurveyDurationDuration of the survey
SurveyIdID of the survey
SurveyNameName of the survey
SurveyScorePercentageratio of the user's inputted score over the total achievable score for numeric questions
SurveyTypeOne of "stayOnCall", "callback"
TransactionIdsList of transaction ids associated with a particular survey or question. For more information about transaction IDs, please review the documentation.

Grouping and filtering

Survey-summary PCS reports are automatically grouped by survey, and question-summary reports are similarly grouped by survey and additionally by question. These grouped results can be filtered by providing survey ids, queue ids, or agent ids as specified by the documentation (link) in an additional filters array placed inside the groupBy object.