CC Historical Analytics Detailed Report

Process for creating and running Detailed Historical CC reports.

Approach for JSON vs XLSX/CSV

The common historical-metrics endpoint has a limitation where the JSON /data response is limited to 10,000 records. The XLSX/CSV download available at historical-metrics/detailed-report does not have this limitation.

To overcome this limitation the historical-metrics/detailed-report endpoint is available to allow for consumers to access JSON format data for large result sets expected with detailed reports.


Requirement: for CSV/XLSX content

Leverage the historical-metrics endpoint. CSV/XLSX is not available via historical-metrics/detailed-report


Strong Recommendation: for JSON content

Leverage the historical-metrics/detailed-report endpoint and the result set won't be limited to 10,000 records.

This guarantees a full result set regardless of the size of the response.


You will need a working API key to begin

How to get API Keys

The base URL is region specific, based on the location of your Contact Center tenant.

  • United States:{version}/historical-metrics/

  • Europe:{version}/historical-metrics/

  • Asia-Pacific:{version}/historical-metrics/

  • Canada:{version}/historical-metrics/

  • {version} to be replaced by current Version. As of June 2023 this is 7 resulting in /v7/

1. Authenticate to retrieve access token

OAuth Authentication for 8x8 XCaaS APIs is used to get a temporary access_token for use in with this API

Outputs For Next Step:

  • access_token
  • expires_in

The following steps will use the access_token as a Bearer Token form of authentication. This takes the form of the
Authorization header being set to Bearer access_token (Space between Bearer and the access_token)

2 Multitenancy support

If the API is used for a multitenant customer the requests should contain "X-Tenant-Info" header variable where needs to specify the desired tenantId. The "X-Tenant-Info" header is not mandatory in case of a single tenant customer.

The following error messages could be returned when dealing with a multitenant customer:

  • if for a multitenant customer request the "X-Tenant-Info" header is not provided the HTTP 400 code along with "Bad request: X-Tenant-Info header is missing." message will be returned
  • if a wrong tenantId is provided the HTTP 400 code along with "Bad request: Invalid value for X-Tenant-Info header." message will be returned

3. Get Available Report Types

CC Historical Analytics allows the consumer to get a listing of the available reports including information about their options and available data.


Available Detailed Reports

Currently detailed-reports-interaction-details and detailed-reports-agent-status-change are the available detailed reports.

Additional information about each of the reports and detailed definitions of metrics can be found in the Interaction Details report - Glossary and Agent Status Change Detail


Method: GET


AuthorizationPass the access_token returned from the authentication request as a Bearer token Bearer {access_token}Bearer kfjdfi3jfopajdkf93fa9pjfdoiap


versionThe current version is v<<versionCCAHistorical>>v7
report-typeSpecific report type to get information on. Omit this parameter to get all report types.agent-status-by-status-code

API reference

Report Types Request

The response shows each report-type that's available.

curl --location --request GET '<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics/report-types' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'
curl --location --request GET '<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics/report-types/detailed-reports-interaction-details' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' 

Report Types Response

The response shows each report-type that's available.

Outputs For Next Step:
For detailed reports the response has a number of elements to guide the usage:

  • type each report type has a unique definition
  • metrics these are the available metrics for the report type. When creating a report. See the Interaction Details report - Glossary and Agent Status Change Detail for additional detail on the definition of the available metrics
    • if no metrics are specified: All metrics will be returned
    • if metrics are specified: ONLY the specified metrics will be returned
  • searchQuery Provides information on the searchable fields and the operators for those searches. See searchQuery below for more detailed description.
    • fields field name of searchable field
    • operators list of valid operators

Generic Example:

            "type": "report type name",
            "metrics": [
                "report metric 1",
                "report metric 2"
            "searchQuery": {
                "fields": [
                    "searchable field 1",
                    "searchable field 2"
                "operators": [

Sample Response for single report type

    "type": "detailed-reports-interaction-details",
    "metrics": [
    "searchQuery": {
        "fields": [
        "operators": [

4. Creating a report


This sample is applicable to ALL detailed report types

The values in passed in will be specific to the report-type but the concepts are applicable to all detailed reports.


Method: POST


AuthorizationPass the access_token returned from the authentication request as a Bearer token Bearer {access_token}Bearer kfjdfi3jfopajdkf93fa9pjfdoiap


versionThe current version is v<<versionCCAHistorical>>v7


typeThe report type. Acceptable values are the types returned from the report-types APIagent-status-by-status-code
titleThe report title, which allows only the characters listed below: letters from A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, whitespaces or ! - _ . * ' ( ). If the report is later downloaded as a file, the title is used as the filename.agent-status-by-status-code
dateRange.startThis parameter specifies that only events and records on or after the specified date are in the report. The entered values should follow the ISO 8061 standard (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ) (For example, 2019-09-01T23:00:00.000Z)
dateRange.endThis parameter specifies that only events and records on or before the specified date are included in the report. The entered values should follow the ISO 8061 standard. (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ) (For example, 2019-09-01T23:00:00.000Z)
timezoneThe desired timezone ((IANA Time Zones. Examples America/New_York, Europe/Helsinki Wikipedia Time Zone List)) that is applicable to current metrics only. Accepted timezone values are those that are configured for the tenant. The value can be the tenant’s default timezone or a value defined as an optional timezone. If no value is specified, the tenant’s default timezone is usedEurope/Helsinki
intraDayTimeRange.startSee IntraDayTimeRange. The start time for the intraDayTimeRange. The format is hh:mm:ss08:30:00
intraDayTimeRange.endSee IntraDayTimeRange. The end time for the intraDayTimeRange. The end must be at least 5 minutes after the start. The format is hh:mm:ss17:00:00
metricsCan be omitted and all available metrics will be returned, or an array of metrics can be specified and only these metrics will be returned. See metrics"metrics": [
searchQuery See searchQuerytrue
includeParticipantsOnly valid for detailed-reports-interaction-details report type. Default is false. see includeParticipantstrue
reportSettings.showOngoingInteractionsAllows interactions to be displayed that are not still ongoing and have partial data representing the current state of that interaction.true
reportSettings.showInteractionsStateInTimeThis parameter can be combined with showOngoingInteractions to show interactions as they were when providing a time range not up to the present, showing interactions in the ongoing state for when the time range ends.true


This parameter is used to specify a time range filter which applies within each day of the report. If this parameter is not specified, data will be returned for the complete time frame described in the mandatory dateRange object.


intraDayTimeRange minimum size

The end must be 5 minutes after the start for detailed reports and 15 minutes after the start for summary reports.

  • start: the start time for the intraDayTimeRange. The format is hh:mm:ss
  • end: the end time for the intraDayTimeRange. The format is hh:mm:ss

If the requirement is to only see data between 8:30am and 5pm on each day the intraDayTimeRange would be passed as follows

        "start": "08:30:00",
        "end": "17:00:00"


can be omitted and all available metrics will be returned, or an array of metrics can be specified and only these metrics will be returned.


Metrics Example

If the requirement is to only have a subset of the the available metrics for the report type, we specify the required metrics

  • if no metrics are specified (omitted entirely or empty array): All metrics will be returned
  • if metrics are specified: ONLY the specified metrics will be returned

Interaction Details report - Glossary and Agent Status Change Detail provide detail on the definitions of the available metrics

"metrics":  [


This parameter can be completely omitted Or an empty array can be passed to signify no filter.


searchQuery logical operation.

The searchQuery object is an array which can include one or several objects, each acting as a filter containing the fields: field, operator, and value. If multiple filter objects are specified, the relation between them is logical AND


searchQuery operators are type specific

  • Numeric Fields ( durations like busyDuration and counts like warmTransfersCompleted:
    • =, <, >, !=, >=, <=, is-empty, is-not-empty
    • for durations (like participantWrapUpDuration, ivrTreatmentDuration) 1s => 1 second, 10m => 10 minutes, 3h => 3 hours, 7d => 7 days
  • Id fields (like interactionId) and names (like queueName) contains, is-empty, is-not-empty

Sample Search Queries (click for details)

"searchQuery": [
"searchQuery": [
        "field": "agentNotes",
        "operator": "contains",
        "value": "order"
"searchQuery": [
        "field": "queueName",
        "operator": "in",
        "value": ["US Sales", "EU Sales"]
        "field": "queueName",
	      "operator": "contains",
	      "value": "Sales"
        "field": "ivrTreatmentDuration",
	      "operator": ">=",
	      "value": "10s"

Create Report Request

In this example we are running the report from 3rd August to 2nd September, we are only interested in the periods between 8:30am and 5pm on each day.
The data returned will only be where agentNotes contains "order" and queueName is "US Sales" or "EU Sales" and the ivrTreatementDuration was greater than or equal to 10 seconds.

curl --location --request POST '<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics/detailed-reports' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "type": "detailed-reports-interaction-details",
    "title": "US-EU Sales-Orders-10-secondsIVR",
    "dateRange": {
        "start": "2022-09-03T00:00:00.000Z",
        "end": "2022-09-02T23:59:59.999Z"
    "timezone": "America/Chicago",
    "intraDayTimeRange": {
        "start": "08:30:00",
        "end": "17:00:00"
            "field": "agentNotes",
            "operator": "contains",
            "value": "order"
            "field": "ivrTreatmentDuration",
            "operator": ">=",
            "value": "10s"
            "field": "queueName",
            "operator": "in",
            "value": ["US Sales", "EU Sales"]

Create Report Response:

For an accepted request to create a report the response will be 200 OK


  • Link: The Link header will provide details on how to access the data
<<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics/detailed-reports/2853641/data?size=100>; rel="data"`


Successful Creation always results in DONE

There is no need to poll for status with detailed reports, this is a variation from summary reports.


  • id: this is the identifier for the generated report
  • status: this is the status of the request for a newly created report.
    • DONE : the report has been generated
    • FAILED : the report has failed to generate
    "id": 2710192,
    "status": "DONE"

5. Accessing Report Data


Accessing the report Data

The data is available via JSON ONLY from historical-metrics/detailed-reports

CSV/XLS responses are available from the historical-metrics endpoint use the CC Historical Analytics Summary Report process for CSV/XLSX output of detailed reports


Method: GET


AuthorizationPass the access_token returned from the authentication request as a Bearer token Bearer {access_token}Bearer kfjdfi3jfopajdkf93fa9pjfdoiap


versionThe current version is v<<versionCCAHistorical>>v7
report-idReport id to get data for2853641


sizeThe number of records to return in each page. Default is 100. Maximum is 1000100
lastDocumentId☐/✓This MUST BE OMITTED in the request for the initial page. Then the value MUST BE PASSED in subsequent requests See Headers & Pagination for more informationagent-status-by-status-code

Report Data Request

curl --location --request GET '<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics/detailed-reports/2853641/data?size=100' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer access_token'
curl --location --request GET '<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics/detailed-reports/2853641/data?size=100&lastDocumentId=eyJzZWFyY2hBZnRlciI6WzE2NDQ0NzA0MzQ5NzIsOTQ1MDExNzMwMjhdfQ%3D%3D' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer access_token'

Report Data Response

Headers & Pagination

  • Link: The Link header will provide a link to the next page in the data if there are additional pages by using the lastDocumentId to index into the result set <<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics/detailed-reports/2710192/data?size=3&lastDocumentId=eyJzZWFyY2hBZnRlciI6WzE2NDQ0NzA0MzQ5NzIsOTQ1MDExNzMwMjhdfQ%3D%3D>; rel="next"
  • X-Page-Size: size of the requested pages
  • X-Total-Pages: total number of pages for the report, 1 if only one page.
  • X-Total-Elements: total number of elements for the report
  • Last-Document-Id: the id of the last record in this page. Input to subsequent request to get the next page.


When requesting the first page the lastDocumentId MUST BE OMMITTED

When requesting subsequent pages use the returned value of the Last-Document-Id header in as the lastDocumentId of the following request. The Last-Document-Id will change on each request.

When the last page is reached:

  • Link Header will not be present
  • Last-Document-Id Header will not be present


The body will be an array as shown below.

  • The array could be empty if there are no records in the result
  • If not empty the array will contain one or more objects as described here
    - total: is null for detailed reports
    - items: array of the dimensions and metrics being returned. There will be one object for each.
    - key: the value will be the name of the dimension/metric
    - label: the value will be the human friendly name of the dimension/metric
    - value: the value will be the value of the dimension/metric. The value could be a string, could represent an array of values (ex. ["Queued", "Handled" ]) or an object.

The finishedTime metric has the following format:

	"key": "finishedTime",
	"label": "Finished Time",
	"value": {
		"value": "2023-07-03T16:02:59.857+03:00",
		"ongoing": false

The following duration metrics have the bellowed format :

queueWaitDuration, ivrTreatmentDuration, interactionDuration, customerJourneyDuration, participantOfferDuration, participantHandlingDuration, participantWrapUpDuration, participantProcessingDuration, participantBusyDuration, participantHoldDuration, participantLongestHoldDuration, participantMuteDuration, participantMuteHoldDuration

	"key": "interactionDuration",
	"label": "Interaction Duration",
	"value": {
		"value": 32281,
		"ongoing": false

where the value field is the value of the metric itself, could be represented as a time format in case of finishedTime metric and as milliseconds for the rest of the above duration metrics. The ongoing field shows if the value is on its final state (=false) or the value could still be changed since the interaction is still ongoing (=true).

To get also the ongoing interactions the reportSettings.showOngoingInteractions request parameter should be set to true, otherwise the ongoing interactions will not be returned and the ongoing metric field will always be false.

Sample example response:

		"total": null,
		"items": [
				"key": "time",
				"label": "Time",
				"value": "2023-07-03T16:02:27.576+03:00"
				"key": "agentNotes",
				"label": "Agent Notes",
				"value": null
				"key": "creationTime",
				"label": "Creation Time",
				"value": "2023-07-03T16:02:27.576+03:00"
				"key": "customerName",
				"label": "Customer Name",
				"value": null
				"key": "destination",
				"label": "Destination",
				"value": "16693335195"
				"key": "direction",
				"label": "Direction",
				"value": "OutboundDir"
				"key": "dispositionAction",
				"label": "Disposition Action",
				"value": null
				"key": "externalTransactionData",
				"label": "External Transaction Data",
				"value": null
				"key": "finishedTime",
				"label": "Finished Time",
				"value": {
					"value": "2023-07-03T16:02:59.857+03:00",
					"ongoing": false
				"key": "interactionDuration",
				"label": "Interaction Duration",
				"value": {
					"value": 32281,
					"ongoing": false
				"key": "interactionId",
				"label": "Interaction ID",
				"value": "int-1891bd8e8f8-DcOBzKtHEIa7sb0WsK7VtUCdB-phone-01-analyticsna12manu01"
				"key": "interactionLabels",
				"label": "Labels",
				"value": [
				"key": "mediaType",
				"label": "Media Type",
				"value": "Phone"
				"key": "participantBusyDuration",
				"label": "Busy Duration",
				"value": {
					"value": 32277,
					"ongoing": false
				"key": "participantHandlingDuration",
				"label": "Handling Duration",
				"value": {
					"value": 16347,
					"ongoing": false


When detailed-reports-interaction-details report type is created with includeParticipants =true flag, the report response return also the participants field which contains the following participant metrics:

  • blindTransferToAgent
  • blindTransferToQueue'
  • conferencesEstablished
  • consultationsEstablished
  • participantAssignNumber
  • participantBusyDuration
  • participantHandlingDuration
  • participantHandlingEndTime
  • participantHold
  • participantHoldDuration
  • participantId
  • participantLongestHoldDuration
  • participantName
  • participantOfferAction
  • participantOfferActionTime
  • participantOfferDuration
  • participantOfferTime
  • participantProcessingDuration
  • participantType
  • participantWrapUpDuration
  • participantWrapUpEndTime
  • warmTransfersCompleted
  • wrapUpCode
  • wrapUpCodeId
  • wrapUpCodeList
  • wrapUpCodeListId
  • wrapUpCodeText
  • wrapUpShortCode

Sample response when includeParticipants is true

		"total": null,
		"items": [
				"key": "participants",
				"label": "Participants",
				"value": [
						"participantAssignNumber": 1,
						"participantType": "Agent",
						"participantId": "agsN41dY9PQtyhLSd9_xqQeg",
						"participantName": "Vlad Supervisor 2",
						"participantOfferTime": "2022-09-14T23:58:31.347-07:00",
						"participantOfferAction": "OfferTimeout",
						"participantOfferActionTime": "2022-09-14T23:59:01.350-07:00",
						"participantOfferDuration": {
							"value": 2438,
							"ongoing": false
						"participantHandlingEndTime": "2023-07-03T16:02:46.364+03:00",
						"participantHandlingDuration": {
							"value": 16347,
							"ongoing": false
						"participantWrapUpEndTime": "2023-07-03T16:02:59.856+03:00",
						"participantWrapUpDuration": {
							"value": 13492,
							"ongoing": false
						"participantProcessingDuration": {
							"value": 29839,
							"ongoing": false
						"participantBusyDuration": {
							"value": 32277,
							"ongoing": false
						"warmTransfersCompleted": 0,
						"blindTransferToAgent": 0,
						"blindTransferToQueue": 0,
						"consultationsEstablished": 0,
						"conferencesEstablished": 0,
						"participantHold": 0,
						"participantHoldDuration": 0,
						"participantLongestHoldDuration": 0,
						"wrapUpCode": [],
						"wrapUpCodeId": [],
						"wrapUpCodeList": [],
						"wrapUpCodeListId": [],
						"wrapUpCodeText": [],
						"wrapUpShortCode": []
						"participantAssignNumber": 2,
						"participantType": "Agent",
						"participantId": "agsN41dY9PQtyhLSd9_xqQeg",
						"participantName": "Vlad Supervisor 2",
						"participantOfferTime": "2022-09-14T23:59:46.074-07:00",
						"participantOfferAction": "Accepted",
						"participantOfferActionTime": "2022-09-14T23:59:50.001-07:00",
						"participantOfferDuration": {
							"value": 2438,
							"ongoing": false
						"participantHandlingEndTime": "2023-07-03T16:02:46.364+03:00",
						"participantHandlingDuration": {
							"value": 16347,
							"ongoing": false
						"participantWrapUpEndTime": "2023-07-03T16:02:59.856+03:00",
						"participantWrapUpDuration": {
							"value": 13492,
							"ongoing": false
						"participantProcessingDuration": {
							"value": 29839,
							"ongoing": false
						"participantBusyDuration": {
							"value": 32277,
							"ongoing": false
						"warmTransfersCompleted": 0,
						"blindTransferToAgent": 0,
						"blindTransferToQueue": 0,
						"consultationsEstablished": 0,
						"conferencesEstablished": 0,
						"participantHold": 0,
						"participantHoldDuration": 0,
						"participantLongestHoldDuration": 0,
						"wrapUpCode": [],
						"wrapUpCodeId": [],
						"wrapUpCodeList": [],
						"wrapUpCodeListId": [],
						"wrapUpCodeText": [],
						"wrapUpShortCode": []
				"key": "time",
				"label": "Time",
				"value": "2022-09-14T23:58:31.234-07:00"
				"key": "agentNotes",
				"label": "Agent Notes",
				"value": null
				"key": "blindTransferToAgent",
				"label": "Blind Transfer To Agent",
				"value": "0"
				"key": "blindTransferToQueue",
				"label": "Blind Transfer To Queue",
				"value": "0"
				"key": "campaignId",
				"label": "Campaign ID",
				"value": null
				"key": "campaignName",
				"label": "Campaign Name",
				"value": null
				"key": "caseFollowUp",
				"label": "Case Follow Up",
				"value": null
				"key": "caseNumber",
				"label": "Case Number",
				"value": "0"
				"key": "channelId",
				"label": "Channel ID",
				"value": "roxana_chat_channel1"
				"key": "conferencesEstablished",
				"label": "Conferences Established",
				"value": "0"
				"key": "consultationsEstablished",
				"label": "Consultations Established",
				"value": "0"
				"key": "creationTime",
				"label": "Creation Time",
				"value": "2022-09-14T23:58:31.234-07:00"
				"key": "customerName",
				"label": "Customer Name",
				"value": null
				"key": "destination",
				"label": "Destination",
				"value": null
				"key": "direction",
				"label": "Direction",
				"value": "InboundDir"
				"key": "dispositionAction",
				"label": "Disposition Action",
				"value": null
				"key": "externalTransactionData",
				"label": "External Transaction Data",
				"value": null
				"key": "finishedTime",
				"label": "Finished Time",
				"value": "2022-09-14T23:59:57.040-07:00"
				"key": "interactionId",
				"label": "Interaction ID",
				"value": "int-1833ff122bc-9a3951e984fe40a6a010ed5802d3088f-chat-01-analyticsna12manu01"
				"key": "interactionLabels",
				"label": "Labels",
				"value": [
				"key": "interactionType",
				"label": "Type",
				"value": null
				"key": "ivrTreatmentDuration",
				"label": "IVR Treatment Duration",
				"value": null
				"key": "mediaType",
				"label": "Media Type",
				"value": "Chat"
				"key": "originalInteractionId",
				"label": "Original Interaction ID",
				"value": null
				"key": "originalTransactionId",
				"label": "Original Transaction ID",
				"value": null
				"key": "origination",
				"label": "Origination",
				"value": null
				"key": "outboundPhoneCode",
				"label": "Outbound Phone Code",
				"value": null
				"key": "outboundPhoneCodeId",
				"label": "Outbound Phone Code ID",
				"value": null
				"key": "outboundPhoneCodeList",
				"label": "Outbound Phone Code List",
				"value": null
				"key": "outboundPhoneCodeListId",
				"label": "Outbound Phone Code List ID",
				"value": null
				"key": "outboundPhoneCodeText",
				"label": "Outbound Phone Code Text",
				"value": null
				"key": "outboundPhoneShortCode",
				"label": "Outbound Phone Short Code",
				"value": null
				"key": "participantAssignNumber",
				"label": "Assign #",
				"value": "2"
				"key": "participantBusyDuration",
				"label": "Busy Duration",
				"value": "0:00:41"
				"key": "participantHandlingDuration",
				"label": "Handling Duration",
				"value": "0:00:04"
				"key": "participantHandlingEndTime",
				"label": "Handling End Time",
				"value": "2022-09-14T23:59:54.300-07:00"
				"key": "participantHold",
				"label": "Hold",
				"value": "0"
				"key": "participantHoldDuration",
				"label": "Hold Duration",
				"value": "0:00:00"
				"key": "participantId",
				"label": "Participant ID",
				"value": [
				"key": "participantLongestHoldDuration",
				"label": "Longest Hold Duration",
				"value": "0:00:00"
				"key": "participantName",
				"label": "Participant",
				"value": [
					"Vlad Supervisor 2"
				"key": "participantOfferAction",
				"label": "Offer Action",
				"value": [
				"key": "participantOfferActionTime",
				"label": "Offer Action Time",
				"value": "2022-09-14T23:59:01.350-07:00"
				"key": "participantOfferDuration",
				"label": "Offer Duration",
				"value": "0:00:34"
				"key": "participantOfferTime",
				"label": "Offer Time",
				"value": "2022-09-14T23:58:31.347-07:00"
				"key": "participantProcessingDuration",
				"label": "Processing Duration",
				"value": "0:00:07"
				"key": "participantType",
				"label": "Participant Type",
				"value": [
				"key": "participantWrapUpDuration",
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