CC Historical Analytics Summary Report
Access the Historical Analytics Summary reports with output in JSON, CSV or XLSX formats. This is a multi step process where a request is made, then a report is generated in the cloud and then the output can be downloaded
Customers looking to access data in JSON or CSV/XLSX from CC Historical Analytics can follow the this multi step process.
You will need a working API key to begin
The base URL is region specific, based on the location of your Contact Center tenant.
United States:{version}/historical-metrics/
{version} to be replaced by current Version. As of June 2023 this is 7 resulting in /v7/
1. Authenticate to retrieve access token
OAuth Authentication for 8x8 XCaaS APIs is used to get a temporary access_token
for use in with this API
Outputs For Next Step:
- access_token
- expires_in
The following steps will use the access_token as a Bearer Token form of authentication. This takes the form of the
header being set to Bearer access_token
(Space between Bearer and the access_token)
JSON Examples shown, XML Also available
This guide shows all the examples in JSON. It is possible to retrieve responses in XML by specifying the following header
Accept: application/xml
2 Multitenancy support
If the API is used for a multitenant customer the requests should contain "X-Tenant-Info" header variable where needs to specify the desired tenantId. The "X-Tenant-Info" header is not mandatory in case of a single tenant customer.
The following error messages could be returned when dealing with a multitenant customer:
- if for a multitenant customer request the "X-Tenant-Info" header is not provided the HTTP 400 code along with "Bad request: X-Tenant-Info header is missing." message will be returned
- if a wrong tenantId is provided the HTTP 400 code along with "Bad request: Invalid value for X-Tenant-Info header." message will be returned
3. Get Available Report Types
CC Historical Analytics allows the consumer to get a listing of the available reports including information about their options and available data.
Additional information about each of the reports and detailed definitions of metrics can be found in the CC Historical Analytics Glossary
Method: GET
Name | Required | Description | Example |
Authorization | ✓ | Pass the access_token returned from the authentication request as a Bearer token Bearer {access_token} | Bearer kfjdfi3jfopajdkf93fa9pjfdoiap |
Name | Required | Description | Example |
version | ✓ | The current version is v<<versionCCAHistorical>> | v7 |
report-type | ☐ | Specific report type to get information on. Omit this parameter to get all report types. | agent-status-by-status-code |
Report Types Request
The definition of a single report can also be retrieved by adding the report-type
to the path
curl --location --request GET '<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics/report-types' \
--header 'Accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'
curl --location --request GET '<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics/report-types/agent-status-by-status-code' \
--header 'Accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'
Report Types Response
The response shows each report-type
that's available.
Detailed Reports
This returns some "detailed" report types as well as the summary reports. Detailed reports have a different format described in the CC Historical Analytics Detailed Report Guide
Outputs For Next Step:
For the summary reports the response has a number of elements to guide the usage:
each report type has a unique definitiongroupBy
each report has one or more groupBy options. This specifies the grouping for the outputname
this is the name to specify when creating a report with a specific groupingfilters
these are the available filters for this report type for this particular grouping. The filters available vary depending on the type AND the grouping.
these are the available metrics for the report type. When creating a report. See the CC Historical Analytics Glossary for additional detail on the definition of the available metrics- When running reports:
- if no metrics are specified: All metrics will be returned
- if metrics are specified: ONLY the specified metrics will be returned
The body will be an array as shown below.
The array will contain one or more objects as described here
- type: this is the report type and name of the report
- groupBy: array of options for grouping the report by various dimensions
- name: name of the grouping
- filters: array of the possible filtering options for this grouping for this report
- value: array of the metrics available for this report
"type": "report type name",
"groupBy": [
"name": "name of grouping 1",
"filters": [
"filterable dimension 1",
"filterable dimension 2"
"name": "name of grouping 2",
"filters": [
"filterable dimension 1",
"filterable dimension 2",
"filterable dimension 3",
"metrics": [
"report metric 1",
"report metric 2"
Sample Response for single report type
The result will be different for each report type.
"type": "agent-interactions-summary",
"groupBy": [
"name": "agent",
"filters": [
"name": "agent-and-media",
"filters": [
"name": "agent-and-media-and-channel",
"filters": [
"name": "agent-and-media-and-channel-and-queue",
"filters": [
"name": "agent-and-media-and-queue",
"filters": [
"name": "group",
"filters": [
"name": "group-and-agent",
"filters": [
"name": "group-and-agent-and-media",
"filters": [
"name": "group-and-agent-and-media-and-channel",
"filters": [
"name": "group-and-agent-and-media-and-channel-and-queue",
"filters": [
"name": "group-and-agent-and-media-and-queue",
"filters": [
"name": "group-and-media",
"filters": [
"name": "group-and-media-and-channel",
"filters": [
"name": "group-and-media-and-channel-and-queue",
"filters": [
"name": "group-and-media-and-queue",
"filters": [
"metrics": [
4. Creating A Summary Report
This sample is applicable to ALL summary report types
The values in passed in will be specific to the report-type but the concepts are applicable to all summary report types.
Method: POST
Name | Required | Description | Example |
Authorization | ✓ | Pass the access_token returned from the authentication request as a Bearer token Bearer {access_token} | Bearer kfjdfi3jfopajdkf93fa9pjfdoiap |
Content-Type | ✓ | Set Content-Type to application/json | application/json |
Name | Required | Description | Example |
version | ✓ | The current version is v<<versionCCAHistorical>> | v7 |
report-type | ☐ | Specific report type to get information on. Omit this parameter to get all report types. | agent-status-by-status-code |
Name | Required | Description | Example |
type | ✓ | The report type. Acceptable value is any one of the types returned from the report-types API | agent-status-by-status-code |
title | ✓ | The report title, which allows only the characters listed below: letters from A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, whitespaces or ! - _ . * ' ( ). If the report is later downloaded as a file, the title is used as the filename. | Agent Status By Code Aug Sep |
dateRange.start | ✓ | This parameter specifies that only events and records on or after the specified date are in the report. The entered values should follow the ISO 8061 standard (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ) (For example, 2019-09-01T23:00:00.000Z) | |
dateRange.end | ✓ | This parameter specifies that only events and records on or before the specified date are included in the report. The entered values should follow the ISO 8061 standard. (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ) (For example, 2019-09-01T23:00:00.000Z) | |
granularity | ✓ | This parameter specifies how to aggregate the report data by time intervals. You must use one of the following values: 15m, 30m, hour, day, week, month, year, or none. See granularity for more information. | 15m | | ✓ | This parameter controls how your data should be grouped by dimensions. It must be one of the grouping options returned by report-type for the specified report type. | media-and-channel-and-queue |
groupBy,filters[] | ☐ | Filters are an array of names and values that describes the dimension to filter by and the values of those filter(s). See filters for more detail. | filters |
timezone | ☐ | The desired timezone (IANA Time Zones. Examples America/New_York, Europe/Helsinki Wikipedia Time Zone List) that is applicable to current metrics only. Accepted timezone values are those that are configured for the tenant. The value can be the tenant’s default timezone or a value defined as an optional timezone. If no value is specified, the tenant’s default timezone is used | Europe/Helsinki |
intraDayTimeRange.start | ☐ | See IntraDayTimeRange. The start time for the intraDayTimeRange. The format is hh:mm:ss | 08:30:00 |
intraDayTimeRange.end | ☐ | See IntraDayTimeRange. The end time for the intraDayTimeRange. The end must be at least 15 minutes after the start. The format is hh:mm:ss | 17:00:00 |
metrics | ☐ | Can be omitted and all available metrics will be returned, or an array of metrics can be specified and only these metrics will be returned. | "metrics": [ "accepted", "acceptedInSla", "acceptedInSlaPercentage", "acceptedPercentage", "totalAbandoned", "totalAbandonedPercentage" ] |
includeSubTotal | ☐ | (Default false ) This parameter adds subtotals rows in the report. It accepts only Boolean values written as true or false or as strings listed as "true" or "false" . | true |
includeGrandTotal | ☐ | (Default false )This parameter puts the grand total row in the report. It accepts only Boolean values written as true or false or as strings listed as "true" or "false" | true |
This parameter specifies how to aggregate the report data by time intervals. You must use one of the following values: 15m, 30m, hour, day, week, month, year, or none.
If the assigned parameter value is none, then the report data is not aggregated by time.
For date range intervals less than or equal to a week the accepted > - granularities are 15m, 30m, hour, day, or none.
For date range intervals less than or equal to a month and but longer than a week the accepted granularities are none, hour, day, or week
For date range intervals longer than a month the accepted granularities are none, month, or year
This parameter is used to specify a time range filter which applies within each day of the report. If this parameter is not specified, data will be returned for the complete time frame described in the mandatory dateRange object.
intraDayTimeRange minimum size
The end must be 15 minutes after the start for summary reports and 5 minutes after the start for detailed reports.
- start: the start time for the intraDayTimeRange. The format is hh:mm:ss
- end: the end time for the intraDayTimeRange. The format is hh:mm:ss
If the requirement is to only see data between 8:30am and 5pm on each day the intraDayTimeRange would be passed as follows
"start": "08:30:00",
"end": "17:00:00"
In version 6 intraDayTimeRange was enhanced to to cover cross-day time range filtering in reports allowing to generate a single report for overnight shifts, and it is available for all aggregated and detailed report types. You can now generate reports for overnight shifts of specific time ranges that cross two days.
With the following example can be generated a report which cover activities for a week but for only time intervals from 20:00 to 06:00 time range.
"start": "2022-08-05T00:00:00.00Z",
"end": "2022-08-11T00:00:00.00Z"
"start": "20:00:00",
"end": "06:00:00"
Parameter can be completely omitted Or an empty array can be passed for no filtering.
For example report type queue-interactions-summary
and groupBy media-and-channel-and-queue
we can chose to not filter at all OR filter by media
and or queue
Each report type has it's own filtering capabilies which can be found in the Report Types Response each groupBy
has it's own applicable filters.
"filters": [
"filters": [
"name": "queue",
"values": ["103"]
"filters": [
"name": "queue",
"values": ["103", "330"]
"filters": [
"name": "queue",
"values": ["103", "330"]
"name": "media",
"values": ["Phone", "Chat"]
- When filtering by
, if the user also wants to filter by phone direction, instead of using{"name": "media", "values": ["Phone"]}
, the phone direction can be specified as follows:{"name": "media", "values": ["OutboundPhone"]}
or{"name": "media", "values": ["InboundPhone"]}
- When creating an
report type, and the customer wants to filter bywrap-up-code
, the filter values should be formatted as follows:{"name": "wrap-up-code", "values": ["<wrap-up-code-list-id>-<wrap-up-code-item-id>"]}
. The<wrap-up-code-list-id>
can be found in the CCA UI detailed reports by adding the 'Wrap Up Code List ID' and 'Wrap Up Code ID' fields to the report. For example:{"name": "wrap-up-code", "values": ["170-1201"]}
If the requirement is to only have a subset of the the available metrics for the report type, we specify the required metrics
- if no metrics are specified (omitted entirely or empty array) ==> All metrics will be returned
- if metrics are specified ==> ONLY the specified metrics will be returned
CC Historical Analytics Glossary provides detail on the definition of the available metrics
"metrics": [
Create Report Request
In this example we are running the report from 3rd August to 2nd September, we are only interested in the periods between 8:30am and 5pm on each day and we are grouping the data by media, channel and queue at a weekly granularity.
The data returned will only be for queue id is 103 and 330 and only if the media is Phone or Chat and the metrics returned will be only the ones specified, with sub and grand totals.
curl --location --request POST '<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"type": "queue-interactions-summary",
"title": "Weeky Queue Report for OPS",
"dateRange": {
"start": "2022-08-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"end": "2022-09-02T00:00:00.000Z"
"granularity": "week",
"filters": [
"name": "queue",
"values": ["103", "330"]
"name": "media",
"values": ["Phone", "Chat"]
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"start": "08:30:00",
"end": "17:00:00"
"metrics": [
"includeGrandTotal": true,
"includeSubTotal": true
Create Report Response
For an accepted request to create a report the response will be 200 OK
- Link => The Link header will provide details on how to check the status of the create request
<<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics/2710192/status; rel="status">
- id: this is the identifier for the generated report
- status: this is the status of the request to create the report
- IN_PROGRESS : the report is being generated, usually the initial status
- DONE : the report has been generated
- FAILED : the report has failed to generate
"id": 2710192,
"status": "IN_PROGRESS"
5. Get Report Status
Method: GET
Name | Required | Description | Example |
Authorization | ✓ | Pass the access_token returned from the authentication request as a Bearer token Bearer {access_token} | Bearer kfjdfi3jfopajdkf93fa9pjfdoiap |
Name | Required | Description | Example |
version | ✓ | The current version is v<<versionCCAHistorical>> | v7 |
report-id | ✓ | report id returned in the create report request. | 2710192 |
Report Status Request
curl --location --request GET '<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics/2710192/status' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer access_token'
Report Status response
This will be the same format as the response from creating the report. Recheck the status periodically until the status is "DONE"
Don't check status in a tight loop (please)
Leave some time between status checks, repeatedly requesting updates without taking a pause is more likely to slow the response than speed it up.
The Link header WILL ONLY be present if the report staus is "DONE"
- Link => The Link header will provide details on how access the data and download for the report
<<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics/2710663/data?page=0&size=100>; rel="data",
<<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics/2710663/download>; rel="download"
- id: this is the identifier for the generated report
- status: this is the status of the request to create the report
- IN_PROGRESS : the report is being generated, usually the initial status
- DONE : the report has been generated
- FAILED : the report has failed to generate
"id": 2710192,
"status": "IN_PROGRESS"
6a. Get Report Data (JSON)
Accessing the report Data
The data is available via JSON or via CSV/XLSX. To access the data as JSON the data endpoint is used, for CSV/XLSX the download endpoint is used.
Data (JSON) results are capped at 10,000 records.
CSV/XLS will return all larger result sets.
Detailed Reports have an alternative approach since larger result sets are expected.
Method: GET
Name | Required | Description | Example |
Authorization | ✓ | Pass the access_token returned from the authentication request as a Bearer token Bearer {access_token} | Bearer kfjdfi3jfopajdkf93fa9pjfdoiap |
Name | Required | Description | Example |
version | ✓ | The current version is v<<versionCCAHistorical>> | v7 |
report-id | ✓ | report id returned in the create report request. | 2710192 |
Name | Required | Description | Example |
page | ☐ | (starts from 0) enables navigation to the expected page; if no value is specified then the first page is retrieved. Required on subsequent pages | 0 |
size | ☐ | gives the amounts of elements on one page. If no value is specified then default values are used (0 for page, 100 for size). Maximum page size is 1000 elements | 200 |
Report Data (JSON) Request
curl --location --request GET '<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics/2710192/data?page=0&size=100' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'
Report Data (JSON) Response
- Link => The Link header will provide a link to the next page in the data if there are additional pages. Will not be present if there are no more pages.
<<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics/2710663/data?page=1&size=100>; rel="next"
- X-Page: current page number, 0(zero) is the first page
- X-Page-Size: size of the requested pages
- X-Total-Pages: total number of pages for the report, 1 if only one page.
- X-Total-Elements: total number of elements for the report
The body will be an array as shown below.
The array could be empty if there are no records in the result
If not empty the array will contain one or more objects as described here
- total: if this represents a subtotal or grandtotal (only present if "includeGrandTotal": true, "includeSubTotal": true were requested)
- items: array of the dimensions and metrics being returned. There will be one object for each.
- key: the value will be the name of the dimension/metric
- label: the value will be the human friendly name of the dimension/metric
- value: the value will be the value of the dimension/metric. This is ALWAYS a string.```json [ { "total": null, "items": [ { "key": "name of key", "label": "Human friendly label of key", "value": "string representation of value", }, { "key": "name of key", "label": "Human friendly label of key", "value": "string representation of value", } ] }, { "total": { "type": "subtotal", "startIndex": 0, "endIndex": 1 }, "items": [ { "key": "name of key", "label": "Human friendly label of key", "value": "string representation of value", }, { "key": "name of key", "label": "Human friendly label of key", "value": "string representation of value", } ] } , { "total": { "type": "grandtotal", "startIndex": null, "endIndex": null }, "items": [ { "key": "name of key", "label": "Human friendly label of key", "value": "string representation of value", }, { "key": "name of key", "label": "Human friendly label of key", "value": "string representation of value", } ] } ] ``` ```json [ { "total": null, "items": { "name1": "value1", "name2": 3 "name3": "2022-09-02T00:00:00.000Z", } }, { "total": { "type": "subtotal", "startIndex": 0, "endIndex": 1 }, "items": [ { "key": "name of key", "label": "Human friendly label of key", "value": "string representation of value", }, { "key": "name of key", "label": "Human friendly label of key", "value": "string representation of value", } ] } , { "total": { "type": "grandtotal", "startIndex": null, "endIndex": null }, "items": [ { "key": "name of key", "label": "Human friendly label of key", "value": "string representation of value", }, { "key": "name of key", "label": "Human friendly label of key", "value": "string representation of value", } ] } ] ```
Dimension values for
itemsWhere a subtotal or grandtotal is summarizing multiple instances of a single dimension the value for that item will be
since there is no single correct value
"total": {
"type": "subtotal",
"startIndex": 23,
"endIndex": 23
"items": [
"key": "startTime",
"label": "Start Time",
"value": "2022-08-29T00:00-04:00"
"key": "endTime",
"label": "End Time",
"value": "2022-09-05T00:00-04:00"
"key": "media",
"label": "Media",
"value": "Phone"
"key": "channel",
"label": "Channel",
"value": null
"key": "queue",
"label": "Queue",
"value": null
"key": "queueId",
"label": "Queue Id",
"value": null
"key": "accepted",
"label": "Accepted",
"value": "0"
6b. Get Report Download (CSV/XLSX)
Accessing the report Data
The data is available via JSON or via CSV/XLSX. To access the data as JSON the data endpoint is used, for CSV/XLSX the download endpoint is used.
There is no pagination the whole file will be returned.
Method: GET
Name | Required | Description | Example |
Authorization | ✓ | Pass the access_token returned from the authentication request as a Bearer token Bearer {access_token} | Bearer kfjdfi3jfopajdkf93fa9pjfdoiap |
Accept | ✓ | Specify the download type - CSV text/csv - XLSX text/xlsx | text\xlsx |
Name | Required | Description | Example |
version | ✓ | The current version is v<<versionCCAHistorical>> | v7 |
report-id | ✓ | report id returned in the create report request. | 2710192 |
Report Download (CSV/XLSX) Request
curl --location --request GET '<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics/2710192/download' \
--header 'Accept: text/xlsx' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'
Report Download (CSV/XLSX) Response
- Content-Disposition => will contain information about the file generated, the filename will reflect the title input in the report creation with the xlsx or csv type extension added.
Example:attachment; filename="Weeky Queue Report for OPS.xlsx"
The file content is returned in the body.
7. Access Report Links
Method: GET
Name | Required | Description | Example |
Authorization | ✓ | Pass the access_token returned from the authentication request as a Bearer token Bearer {access_token} | Bearer kfjdfi3jfopajdkf93fa9pjfdoiap |
Name | Required | Description | Example |
version | ✓ | The current version is v<<versionCCAHistorical>> | v7 |
report-id | ✓ | report id returned in the create report request. | 2710192 |
Report Links Request
curl --location --request GET '<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics/2710192/links' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'
Report Links Response
The body will be an array as shown below.
is always showndata
are shown if the report status is DONE
"relation": "status",
"link": "<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics/2684392/status"
"relation": "data",
"link": "<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics/2684392/data?page=0&size=100"
"relation": "download",
"link": "<<versionCCAHistorical>>/historical-metrics/2684392/download"
Updated 4 months ago