CC Realtime Statistics


You will need a working API key to begin

How to get API Keys

The base URL is region specific, based on the location of your Contact Center tenant.

  • United States:{version}/realtime-metrics/

  • Europe:{version}/realtime-metrics/

  • Asia-Pacific:{version}/realtime-metrics/

  • Canada:{version}/historical-metrics/

  • {version} to be replaced by current Version. As of October 2022 this is 5 resulting in /v5/

1. Authenticate to retrieve access token

OAuth Authentication for 8x8 XCaaS APIs is used to get a temporary access_token for use in with this API

Outputs For Next Step:

  • access_token
  • expires_in

The following steps will use the access_token as a Bearer Token form of authentication. This takes the form of the
Authorization header being set to Bearer access_token (Space between Bearer and the access_token)

2 Multitenancy support

If the API is used for a multitenant customer the requests should contain "X-Tenant-Info" header variable where needs to specify the desired tenantId. The "X-Tenant-Info" header is not mandatory in case of a single tenant customer.

The following error messages could be returned when dealing with a multitenant customer:

  • if for a multitenant customer request the "X-Tenant-Info" header is not provided the HTTP 400 code along with "Bad request: X-Tenant-Info header is missing." message will be returned
  • if a wrong tenantId is provided the HTTP 400 code along with "Bad request: Invalid value for X-Tenant-Info header." message will be returned

3. Available Data

Realtime data is available as follows definitions for metrics can be found in the glossary

  • Queue Statistics
    • for multiple queues
    • for single queue
  • Agents Statistics
    • by Queue
    • by multiple Queues
    • by Group
  • Group Statistics
    • for multiple groups
    • for single group

4. Accessing Realtime Queue Metrics


Sample is for a multiple queues

For a single queue add /{queue-id} to the url.

See additional endpoints for examples for the other endpoints


Method: GET


Authorizationβœ“Pass the access_token returned from the authentication request as a Bearer token Bearer {access_token}Bearer kfjdfi3jfopajdkf93fa9pjfdoiap


versionβœ“The current version is v<<versionCCARealtime>>v5
queue-id☐If a queue id is specified as a path parameter this limits the response to a single queue and queue-ids query parameter is ignored. Sample /queues/{queue-id}/103


page☐Page of the result set to return. Begins at zero (0). Default is zero. See pagination for more details0
size☐The number of records per page to return. Default is 100. See pagination for more details100
queue-ids☐When not passed all queues are returned. Specifies the queue-ids of the queues to be returned. For multiple queues add multiple times. &queue-ids=101&queue-ids=107. Only valid queue-ids can be passed. Passing an invalid queue-id will result in a failure. Ignored if /queue-id is passed as a path parameter. See passing multiple ids for more information103
metricsβœ“When not passed all metrics are returned. Specifies the metrics to return. For multiple metrics add mutiple times. &metrics=handling.rt& See metrics for more details
timezone☐Only applies to .today metrics. The desired timezone (IANA Time Zones. Examples America/New_York, Europe/Helsinki Wikipedia Time Zone List). Accepted timezone values are those that are configured for the tenant. The value can be the tenant’s default timezone or a value defined as an optional timezone. If no value is specified, the tenant’s default timezone is usedEurope/Helsinki
summary☐Default false. If set to true queue-ids and metrics parameters are ignored and a list of queue-id and queue-name is returnedfalse
includeTotals☐If this parameter is set to true, at the end of each sections with the totals for time, percentage, average and count metric type will be added at the end of sections in the response. Default false. See includeTotals for more information.false


To get a full list of metrics for one of the endpoints call it without the metrics parameter. This will list all available metrics. Generally it's easier to specify the metrics you wish returned to have a more compact response.

Realtime metrics are a snapshot of the current condition of the contact center. The naming convention of the metrics is aaa.bbb where aaa is the meric and bbb is the period of the metric.

Periods explained

  • ".rt" - means realtime meaning currently. Example: there are currently X calls waiting in queue

Summary metrics are over one of 3 provided ranges

  • ".int-15m" means in the most recent 15 minute interval.
  • ".int-30m" means in the most recent 30 minute interval
  • ".today" - is for the calendar day. X calls have entered the queue today.


page starts with zero (0).

The maximum page size is 1000 if you specify a size above 1000 you will receive

400 Bad Request

    "message": "Bad request: Field 'size' must be less than or equal to 1000"

Responses will include the following headers related to pagination

X-Page-SizePage size requested, default 100100
X-PageCurrent Page0
X-Total-PagesCount of all pages, remember page parameter and X-Page are zero based so if X-Total-Pages is 13 the last page is = 1212
X-Total-ElementsTotal number of records1223

If a page beyond the end of the result set is specified the response will be as follows


    "message": "Bad request: Field 'page' must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than the total number of pages, which is 2 for this request"

Realtime Data Request

In this example the data returned will only be for queue id is 103 and 170 and the only metrics returned will be handling.rt and

curl --location --request GET '<<versionCCARealtime>>/realtime-metrics/queues?page=0&size=100&queue-ids=101&queue-ids=107&metrics=handling.rt&' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer FnZGG0u5BpNwRkuwKuSmfG2JAG9w'
curl --location --request GET '<<versionCCARealtime>>/realtime-metrics/groups?page=0&size=100&group-ids=102&group-ids=1023&metrics=availableIdle.rt&metrics=enabled.rt' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer FnZGG0u5BpNwRkuwKuSmfG2JAG9w'

Realtime Data Response

Note the response headers related to pagination above.


        "id": "103",
        "name": "Appointments",
        "metrics": [
                "key": "",
                "value": 7
                "key": "handling.rt",
                "value": 0
        "id": "107",
        "name": "Tickets",
        "metrics": [
                "key": "",
                "value": 6
                "key": "handling.rt",
                "value": 0
        "id": "102",
        "name": "Sales",
        "metrics": [
                "key": "availableIdle.rt",
                "value": "0"
                "key": "enabled.rt",
                "value": "0"
        "id": "1023",
        "name": "Deliveries",
        "metrics": [
                "key": "availableIdle.rt",
                "value": "0"
                "key": "enabled.rt",
                "value": "0"

Additional Endpoints


Core Parameters and structure are common

The following examples don't show every parameter refer to parameters above.

Metrics, timezone etc. are all available on each endpoint

The core parameters and structure are common to all of the following endpoints. Which allow for selecting specific queue, groups and agents. The available metrics for queues, groups, agents within queues and agents within groups vary.

Single Queue


Path Parameter

queue-idβœ“Single queue id to return data for103

Single Queue Request

curl --location --request GET '<<versionCCARealtime>>/realtime-metrics/queues/101?&metrics=handling.rt&' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer FnZGG0u5BpNwRkuwKuSmfG2JAG9w'

Single Queue Response

        "id": "103",
        "name": "Appointments",
        "metrics": [
                "key": "",
                "value": 7
                "key": "handling.rt",
                "value": 0

Agents within a Queue


Path Parameter

queue-idβœ“Single queue id to return agents for103

Query Parameter

agent-ids can be passed similarly to queue-ids in the prior example.

agent-ids☐When not passed all agents are returned. Specifies the agent-ids of the agents to be returned. For multiple agents add multiple times. &agent-ids=agfAl1ZjIyQ8ecpoCB9KUbbb&agent-ids=agk4tyf8vnSMWki8r4e0dfff. Only valid agent-ids can be passed. Passing an invalid agent-id will result in a failure.103

Agents within a Queue Request

curl --location --request GET '<<versionCCARealtime>>/realtime-metrics/queues/{queue-id}/agents?page=0&size=100&agent-ids={agent-id1}&agent-ids={agent-id2}&metrics=status.rt,statusCode.rt,timeOnStatus.rt,lastLogin.rt' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer FnZGG0u5BpNwRkuwKuSmfG2JAG9w'

Agents within a Queue Response

        "id": "agAD21EBR1RhuV2TNDivaaa",
        "name": "Jane Li",
        "metrics": [
                "key": "lastLogin.rt",
                "value": "2022-12-16T16:28:08.013Z"
                "key": "status.rt",
                "value": "LoggedOut"
                "key": "statusCode.rt",
                "value": null
                "key": "timeOnStatus.rt",
                "value": 245611272
        "id": "agAQDqmvKiRbG4ekigNSbbbbb",
        "name": "James Woods",
        "metrics": [
                "key": "lastLogin.rt",
                "value": "2022-12-02T17:32:31.299Z"
                "key": "status.rt",
                "value": "Available"
                "key": "statusCode.rt",
                "value": null
                "key": "timeOnStatus.rt",
                "value": 1469499666

Single Agent within a Queue


Path Parameters

queue-idβœ“A queue the agent is a member of103
agent-idβœ“The agent requested within the queueagAD21EBR1RhuV2TNDivaaa

Single Agent within a Queue Request

curl --location --request GET '<<versionCCARealtime>>/realtime-metrics/queues/{queue-id}/agents/{agent-id}?metrics=status.rt,statusCode.rt,timeOnStatus.rt,lastLogin.rt' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer FnZGG0u5BpNwRkuwKuSmfG2JAG9w'

Single Agent within a Queue Response

        "id": "agAD21EBR1RhuV2TNDivaaa",
        "name": "Jane Li",
        "metrics": [
                "key": "lastLogin.rt",
                "value": "2022-12-16T16:28:08.013Z"
                "key": "status.rt",
                "value": "LoggedOut"
                "key": "statusCode.rt",
                "value": null
                "key": "timeOnStatus.rt",
                "value": 245611272

Agents within a Group of Queues


This endpoint ONLY returns information for agents/queues that have been had activity or a session in the current day.


Query Parameter

queue-ids can be passed similarly to queue-ids in the prior example.

queue-ids☐When not passed all queues are returned. Specifies the queue-ids of the queues to be returned. For multiple queues add multiple times. &queue-ids=101&queue-ids=102. Only valid queue-ids can be passed. Passing an invalid queue-id will result in a failure.103

Sample request limited to two queues and just three of the available metrics (Two agent related and one queue related)

Agents within a Queue Request

curl --location --request GET '<<versionCCARealtime>>/realtime-metrics/agents-in-queue-groups?metrics=status.rt,timeOnStatus.rt,{queue-id-1}&queue-ids={queue-id-2}&page=0&size=100' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer FnZGG0u5BpNwRkuwKuSmfG2JAG9w'

The response contains two sections. First section is an array of agents, where for each agent the response contains a collection of the agent specific metrics. The second section is an array of queues where for each queue the response contains a collection of agents and a collection of queue specific metrics for each agent. Each agent will have in the response the agent ID and agent name.

Agents within a Queue Response

    "agents": [
            "id": "aget4bO5y1SqqQ5HDDfaaaaa",
            "name": "John Agent",
            "metrics": {
                "status.rt": "Available",
                "timeOnStatus.rt": 123
            "id": "agwhzJ0NOwTdWid_JPaaaaa",
            "name": "Jane Agent",
            "metrics": {
                "status.rt": "LoggedOut",
                "timeOnStatus.rt": 2224
    "queues": [
            "queueId": "2943",
            "assignedAgents": [],
            "agentMetrics": [
                    "id": "agwhzJ0NOwTdWid_JPaaaaa",
                    "name": "Jane Agent",
                    "metrics": {
                        "": 1
            "queueId": "2046",
            "assignedAgents": [
            "agentMetrics": [
                    "id": "aget4bO5y1SqqQ5HDDfaaaaa",
                    "name": "John Agent",
                    "metrics": {
                        "": 2

All agents at once within a tenant

Retrieve all agents with all specified metrics values within a tenant. The summary parameter can be used to get only agent details without the metrics, in this case the agent-ids, group-ids and metrics parameters will be ignored.


Query Parameter

agent-ids☐Optional set of agent identifiers. Only metrics for these agents will be returned.agLkndJlSOQReqFZI48LgyvQ
group-ids☐Optional set of group identifiers. Only metrics for these groups will be returned.103
summary☐Returns a summary (id, name, group id, group name) of all agents. If this parameter is set as TRUE, agent-ids, group-ids and metrics parameters will be ignored. If this parameter is not set as TRUE, metrics parameter needs to be provided.true

Request with a specified list of metrics, agent-ids and group-ids

curl --location --request GET ',timeOnStatus.rt,{agent-id-1}&agent-ids={agent-id-2}&group-ids={group-id-1}&group-ids={group-id-2}&page=0&size=100' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer FnZGG0u5BpNwRkuwKuSmfG2JAG9w'

Request with a summary parameter set to True

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer FnZGG0u5BpNwRkuwKuSmfG2JAG9w'

All Agents within a tenant Response examples:

With summary=true parameter response example:

        "id": "ag0IWAMsLuSsijCkitWX76Ng",
        "name": "Agent 1",
        "groupId": "735",
        "groupName": "Nicu Group"
        "id": "ag0OlQp4skQ5mOQsPvPRXDYw",
        "name": "Admin 1",
        "groupId": "100",
        "groupName": "ungroup"
        "id": "ag10000",
        "name": "Admin 2",
        "groupId": "131",
        "groupName": "adi_group"

With summary=false (or missing parameter) response example:

        "id": "ag0IWAMsLuSsijCkitWX76Ng",
        "name": "Agent 1",
        "metrics": [
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "activeInteractionsCount.rt",
                "value": 0
        "id": "ag0OlQp4skQ5mOQsPvPRXDYw",
        "name": "Admin 1",
        "metrics": [
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "activeInteractionsCount.rt",
                "value": 0
        "id": "ag10000",
        "name": "Admin 2",
        "metrics": [
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "activeInteractionsCount.rt",
                "value": 0



Query Parameter

group-idsβœ“When not passed all groups are returned. Specifies the group-ids of the groups to be returned. For multiple groups add multiple times. &group-ids=102&group-ids=1023. Only valid group-ids can be passed. Passing an invalid group-id will result in a failure.103

Groups Request

curl --location --request GET '<<versionCCARealtime>>/realtime-metrics/groups?size=100&page=0&group-ids=102&group-ids=1023&metrics=availableIdle.rt&metrics=enabled.rt' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer FnZGG0u5BpNwRkuwKuSmfG2JAG9w'

Groups Response

        "id": "102",
        "name": "Sales",
        "metrics": [
                "key": "availableIdle.rt",
                "value": "0"
                "key": "enabled.rt",
                "value": "0"
        "id": "1023",
        "name": "Deliveries",
        "metrics": [
                "key": "availableIdle.rt",
                "value": "0"
                "key": "enabled.rt",
                "value": "0"

Single Group


Path Parameter

group-idβœ“Group Id of the requested group103

Single Group Request

curl --location --request GET '<<versionCCARealtime>>/realtime-metrics/groups/{group-id}?metrics=availableIdle.rt&metrics=enabled.rt' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer FnZGG0u5BpNwRkuwKuSmfG2JAG9w'

Groups Response

        "id": "102",
        "name": "Sales",
        "metrics": [
                "key": "availableIdle.rt",
                "value": "0"
                "key": "enabled.rt",
                "value": "0"

Agents within a Group


Path Parameter

group-idβœ“Group Id of the requested group103

Query Parameter

agent-ids☐When not passed all agents are returned. Specifies the agent-ids of the agents to be returned. For multiple agents add multiple times. &agent-ids=agfAl1ZjIyQ8ecpoCB9KUbbb&agent-ids=agk4tyf8vnSMWki8r4e0dfff. Only valid agent-ids can be passed. Passing an invalid agent-id will result in a failure.agk4tyf8vnSMWki8r4e0dfff

Agents within a Group Request

curl --location --request GET '<<versionCCARealtime>>/realtime-metrics/groups/{group-id}/agents?page=0&size=100&agent-ids={agent-id1}&agent-ids={agent-id2}&' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer FnZGG0u5BpNwRkuwKuSmfG2JAG9w'

Agents within a Group Response

        "id": "agAD21EBR1RhuV2TNDivaaa",
        "name": "Jane Li",
        "metrics": [
                "key": "",
                "value": 10
                "key": "status.rt",
                "value": "Available"
        "id": "agAQDqmvKiRbG4ekigNSbbbbb",
        "name": "James Woods",
        "metrics": [
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "status.rt",
                "value": "LoggedOut"

Single Agent within a Group


Path Parameter

group-idβœ“Group Id of the requested group103
agent-idβœ“AgentId of the requested agentagAD21EBR1RhuV2TNDivaaa

Single Agent within a Group Request

curl --location --request GET '<<versionCCARealtime>>/realtime-metrics/groups/{group-id}/agents/{agent-id}?' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer FnZGG0u5BpNwRkuwKuSmfG2JAG9w'

Single Agent within a Group Response

        "id": "agAD21EBR1RhuV2TNDivaaa",
        "name": "Jane Li",
        "metrics": [
                "key": "",
                "value": 10
                "key": "status.rt",
                "value": "Available"

Additional Information


When includeTotals is set to true an additional set of "total" metrics will be included for time, percentage, average and count metric types as follows.

        "id": null,
        "name": "totals",
        "metrics": [
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": 0.0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": 0.0
                "key": "total.availableIdle.rt",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": 29947.4
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "total.busy.rt",
                "value": 0
                "key": "total.busyExternal.rt",
                "value": 0
                "key": "total.busyOther.rt",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 5
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": 1.0
                "key": "total.eligible.rt",
                "value": 0
                "key": "total.enabled.rt",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 5
                "key": "total.handling.rt",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": 29947.4
                "key": "total.interactionsHandling.rt",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "total.interactionsLongestWaitInQueue.rt",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 29951
                "key": "total.interactionsWaitInQueue.rt",
                "value": 0
                "key": "total.interactionsWrapUp.rt",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 5
                "key": "total.offering.rt",
                "value": 0
                "key": "total.onBreak.rt",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": 0.0
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": 0
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": null
                "key": "",
                "value": 0.0
                "key": "total.workingOffline.rt",
                "value": 0
                "key": "total.wrapUp.rt",
                "value": 0

Passing Multiple ids

When passing multiple ids on endpoints with plural parameters such as agent-ids, queue-ids, group-ids.

The parameters can be passed by repeating the parameter name:

  • agent-ids=123&agent-ids-765&agent-ids=963

OR they can be passed as a comma separated list:

  • agent-ids=123,765,963