Call Action Handling (IVR)

Responding to Call Action Request

To start your call flow you need to reply to the call action request with an HTTP 200 response code including a Call Action in the HTTP response body. The supported Call Actions are:

  • makeCall - Initiates an outgoing call to the desired destination. This function should be used to connect the first call with another party.
  • say - Generates and plays a TTS to the calling user.
  • sayAndCapture- Plays a voice file in to the call and then captures users DTMF input and reports back the DTMF via Voice Call Action (VCA) webhook.
  • playFile - Downloads the sound/voice file provided and plays it back in the currently active call.
  • hangup - Disconnects all active calls. This will terminate the session, triggering the session summary webhook.


This function should be used to connect the first call with another party.

The following is an example of the JSON response you would need to provide:

   "clientActionId": "ivr1_level2",
   "callflow": [
         "action": "makeCall",
         "params": {
            "source": "6512345678",
            "destination": "6587654321",
            "callRecording": true //Optional. Use only if call recording has been set up.

The action should contain the following parameters:

actionStringMakeCall – Action to Connect/Bridge call between two users
destinationStringNumber of the called party in E.164 format (The second user's number).
sourceStringNumber of the calling party in E.164 format. This should be the Virtual Number allocated to your sub-account
callRecordingBoolean(Optional) Trigger to start recording the IVR session. Before using this option please reach out to your Account Manager since this option might include additional costs. Additionally please make sure that the Call Recording has been configured on your account. To configure call recording please take a look at Call Recordings


This action converts the given text in to a speech and plays it in the currently active call.

The following is an example of the JSON response you would need to provide:

  "clientActionId": "ivr1_level2",
  "callflow": [
      "action": "say",
      "params": {
        "text": "Hello This is a test message",
        "voiceProfile": "en-US-ZiraRUS",
        "repetition": 1,//optional(default is 1)
        "speed": 1.0,//optional(default is 1)

The action should contain the following parameters:

actionStringsay – Text to speech function.
textStringThe text to speech message that will be played on the call.
voiceProfileStringThe voice profile of the spoken text, see in the table below the supported voice profiles. Please use Voice Profile API to retrieve voiceProfile
repetitionIntegerDefines the number of times the text will be repeated during the call. Default repetition is 1. Max repetition is 3
speedFloatControls the speed of the speech. Maximum speed is 2.0 and minimum speed is 0.5.


This action plays a text to speech file in to the call and then captures user's DTMF input and reports back the DTMF via Voice Call Action (VCA) webhook.

The following is an example of the JSON response you would need to provide:

  "clientActionId": "ivr1_level2",
  "callflow": [
  "action": "sayAndCapture",
    "params": {
        "promptMessage": "Enter 1 if you would like to talk", //Mandatory
        "successMessage": "Thank you, have a nice day!",      //Optional 
        "failureMessage": "Invalid input received.",          //Optional
        "voiceProfile": "en-US-BenjaminRUS",                  //Mandatory
        "speed": 1.0,             //Optional. Defaults to 1.0.
        "completeOnHash": true,   //Optional. Defaults to true. If false, maxDigits must be provided and > 0 and < 26.
        "minDigits": 2,           //Optional. If provided, maxDigits is mandatory.
        "maxDigits": 2,           //Optional. Defaults to 25.
        "digitTimeout": 10000,    //Optional. If provided, overallTimeout is mandatory. Must be less than overallTimeout.
        "overallTimeout": 10000,  //Optional. Defaults to 30000. 
        "noOfTries": 3            //Optional. Defaults to 3. 

The action should contain the following parameters:

actionStringSayAndCapture – Play a Text to speech voice file and prompting user to enter a DTMF.
promptMessageStringText Input for the text-to-speech message.
successMessageStringText-to-speech message that is played for successful digit capture.
failureMessageStringText-to-speech message that is played in case of capture errors. Capture errors are either timeouts or the input digit count is out of the range.
voiceProfileStringThe voice profile of the spoken text, see in the table below the supported voice profiles. Please use Voice Profile API to retrieve voiceProfile.
speedFloatControls the speed of the speech. Maximum speed is 2.0 and minimum speed is 0.5.
completeOnHashBooleanIf completeOnHash is false, once the user entered digits reachers maxDigits , the action will end. If the completeOnHash is set to true, then any time user enters #, the entered digits will be validated and the action will end in either success or failure.
minDigitsIntegerThe minimum required digits entered to be a valid input.
maxDigitsIntegerThe maximum digits accepted.
overallTimeoutIntegerThe time allowed for the user to complete entering all digits in milliseconds.
noOfTriesIntegerHow many times the sayAndCapture will loop in case of failed inputs.


Downloads the sound/voice file provided and plays it back in the currently active call.

File type requirements:

  • Supported file types are .wav and mp3.
  • API only accepts file that is smaller than 5MB.

The following is an example of the JSON response you would need to provide:

  "clientActionId": "ivr1_level2",
  "callflow": [
  "action": "playFile",
	"params": {
    "fileUrl": "",  // mandatory
    "repetition": 1   //optional

The action should contain the following parameters:

actionStringsay – play a recorded file into a currently active call funtion
fileUrlStringThe public link of the hosted voice file
repetitionIntegerDefines the number of times the text will be repeated during the call. Default repetition is 1. Max repetition is 3


Downloaded Voice files

Downloaded voice files are cached for 1 hour for faster access, if used in consequent requests. If the file content is changed within 1 hour after the first request, make sure to change the file name for the changes to be reflected in the calls afterwards.


This action should be used to hang up the incoming call.

The following is an example of the JSON response you would need to provide:

	"clientActionId": "ivr1_level2",
	"callflow": [ 
  		"action": "hangup" 

Note: The Hangup action terminates the active call session.