Status Code and Status Message (Voice Messaging & IVR)

Status CodeMessage
-1001Invalid JSON request body
-1002Speech profile or language parameter invalid
-1003Valid maxDigits required when minDigits provided
-1004DTMF callback url not provided
-1005Valid overallTimeout is required when digitTimeout provided
-1006OverallTimeout should be greater than digitTimeout
-1007Invalid action type was used. Accepted action type is [say, sayAndcapture, makeCall, hangup, playFile]
-1008Valid maxDigits is required when completeOnHash is false
-1009Invalid call flow entry provided. [Additional error details here].
Eg: Invalid call flow entry provided. $.callflow[0].params.text: is missing but it is required
-1010Some actions are provided beyond the allowed count
-1011Multiple destination phone numbers found in the request
-1012Invalid Callflow : Incorrect use of action Hangup
-1013Invalid Callflow : First action should be a MakeCall action
-1014Source or caller ID is not allowed
-1015The validity period of the call flow request has expired
-1016Invalid Callflow Content: Some special characters are invalid/unaccepted
-1017Invalid MSISDN format in Destination
-1018"Invalid Callflow: " or
"Execute Scenario cannot be processed together with other actions
-1019Invalid Callflow Content: scenarioName is null or empty
-1020Invalid Callflow: Invalid scenarioName or the account doesn't have permission to execute this scenario
-9999An unknown error has occurred.