Message status reference

8x8 API uses the following universal object for describing the message state across different APIs.

Object structure

Parameter nameTypeDescription
statestringGeneral status of the message.
The property is mandatory for status object and always has a value
detailstringOptional additional detail of the state property in status.
timestampstringUTC date and time when the status was observed expressed in ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffZ
The property is mandatory for status object and always has a value
errorCodeintegerError code for the operation. This property is optional and set only for errors.
errorMessagestringDescription of the error.
This property is optional and set only for errors.


Possible values for state:

  • unknown: Status is not known. This is an exceptional/intermediate status.
  • queued: The request is accepted and queued for processing.
  • failed: The request has been rejected by the API and will not be processed.
  • sent: The message has been sent to the operator and we have not received an acknowledgment yet.
  • delivered: The message has been delivered to the destination and we have received confirmation from the operator.
  • undelivered: We have received a delivery receipt from the operator that the message was not delivered.
  • read: The message was delivered and read.
  • ok: The operation was successful
  • error: An error occurred during the operation


Possible values for details:

  • delivered_to_operator: The message has been delivered to the operator. Associated with delivered state
  • delivered_to_recipient: The message has been delivered to the recipient. Associated with delivered state.
  • rejected_by_operator: The message has been rejected by the operator. Associated with undelivered status.
  • undelivered_to_recipient: The message has been delivered but rejected by the target device. Associated with undelivered state.

Samples of the status object

"status": {
        "state": "queued",
        "timestamp": "2020-12-22T01:24:30.6030893Z"