Call Status (Number Masking)

This method provides insights about call details and will be sent to your "Voice Call Summary" (VCS) endpoint. Your "Voice Call Summary" (VCS) endpoint can be configured on the sub-account level with the Number Masking Webhooks.

When receiving status updates for ongoing calls, the 8x8 platform will POST a JSON object to your "Voice Call Summary" (VCS) endpoint.

The JSON object will contain the following values:

namespaceString8x8's overall product namespace. For Voice products the value will be "VOICE"
eventTypeStringEvent type that generated this callback. For call status events the value will be "CALL_STATUS"
descriptionStringDescription of the event type that triggered the callback.
eventIdStringUnique id that triggered the callback
callIdStringId unique to a one call leg of the number masking session [UUID]
sessionIdStringUnique id that represents Number masking session [UUID]
subAccountIdStringId of the 8x8 SubAccount that the callback belongs to.
callStatusStringStatus of the call leg that triggered the callback. Values can be:
callDirectionStringDirection of the call leg that triggered the callback. Values can be "INBOUND" or "OUTBOUND"
callTypeStringType of the call leg. Values can be "PSTN" or "VOIP", depending on where the call was initiated from (telco operators or VoiceSDK users). For NumberMasking the value will always be PSTN.
sourceStringSource number associated with the call leg that triggered this callback
destinationStringDestination number associated with the call leg that triggered this callback
sourceFormatStringFormat of the source number. For NumberMasking the value will always be MSISDN.
destinationFormatStringFormat of the destination number. For NumberMasking the value will always be MSISDN.
sourceCountryCodeStringCountry code of the source number
destinationCountryCodeStringCountry code of the destination number
sourceRefIdStringFor INBOUND call legs this property shows the referenceId of the Virtual Number that has been called. For OUTBOUND calls the value is null
destinationRefIdStringFor OUTBOUND call legs this property shows the referenceId of the Virtual Number that is used as callerId. For INBOUND calls the value is null
callDurationStringDuration of the call leg (in seconds) that initiated the callback
eventDataStringEvent data captured during the call.
sipCodeIntegerFinal Sip status code for the call leg(s) defined by RFC 3261
timestampStringTimestamp of a call event

Additional parameters could be included depending on individual destination or account requirements.
Example of a JSON object sent to your handleURL:

	"namespace": "VOICE",
	"eventType": "CALL_STATUS",
	"description": "Status update of a call",
	"payload": {
		"eventId": "eb0fc709-9693-11ea-454d-1705dde98182",
		"callId": "a1d6a5e3-efec-11e9-b999-7d370b5f90d1",
		"sessionId": "a1d6a5e2-efec-11e9-b999-efc71013a78f",
		"subAccountId": "account_x",
		"callStatus": "CALL_INITIATED",
		"callDirection": "INBOUND | OUTBOUND",
		"callType": "PSTN | VOIP",
		"source": "+6283891703225",
		"destination": "+622150996455",
		"sourceFormat": "MSISDN",
		"destinationFormat": "MSISDN",
		"sourceCountryCode": "ID | Null",
		"destinationCountryCode": "ID | Null",
		"sourceRefId": "NumberRef1 | Null",
		"destinationRefId": "vn-ref-1 | Null",
		"callDuration": 10,
		"eventData": " ",
		"sipCode": 200,
		"timestamp": "2019-10-16T08:12:01Z"


Your endpoint should respond with 200 OK status.