Callflows API

The Callflows API enables the creation of call flows that execute specific actions. As a key component of our programmable voice initiative, it supports popular voice use cases, including:
Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
Voice messaging
Number masking
Debt Collection (BETA Release for Philippines and Thailand)

Voice Sessions
A voice session can be initiated with an initial call flow and extended using the Voice Call Action Webhook with additional call flows.

Creating a Callflow
You can create a call flow using the /callflows API endpoint. The API requires a JSON array of action objects in the POST body. Once the call flow is accepted, a corresponding voice session is created, and updates regarding the session and call are dispatched via webhooks.

Callflow Components
A call flow can consist of one or more call flow actions, and there are specific processing rules that apply to call flows.

Supported Actions
We currently support the following actions:
makeCall - Initiates an outgoing call to the desired destination. This function should be used to connect the first call with another party.
say - Generates and plays a TTS to the calling user.
sayAndCapture- Plays a voice file in to the call and then captures users DTMF input and reports back the DTMF via Voice Call Action (VCA) webhook.
playFile - Downloads the sound/voice file provided and plays it back in the currently active call.
hangup - Disconnects all active calls. This will terminate the session, triggering the session summary webhook.