Voice IVR Call Handle

When an incoming call is placed to a Virtual Number, allocated to your sub-account, a call flow is initiated. For each call flow event (incoming call, call update, or DTMF input), a Call Handle will be sent to your "Voice Call Action" (VCA) endpoint. Your "Voice Call Action" (VCA) endpoint can be configured on the sub-account level with the Webhooks

Sample Call Handle:

	"namespace": "VOICE",
	"eventType": "CALL_STATUS",
	"description": "Status update of a call",
	"payload": {
		"eventId": "eb0fc709-9693-11ea-454d-1705dde98182",
		"callId": "a1d6a5e3-efec-11e9-b999-7d370b5f90d1",
		"sessionId": "a1d6a5e2-efec-11e9-b999-efc71013a78f",
		"subAccountId": "your_subaccount_id",
		"callStatus": "CALL_RECEIVED",
		"callDirection": "INBOUND | OUTBOUND",
		"callType": "PSTN",
		"source": "+65123456789",
		"destination": "+65987654321",
		"sourceFormat": "MSISDN",
		"destinationFormat": "MSISDN",
		"sourceCountryCode": "SG",
		"destinationCountryCode": "SG",
		"sourceRefId": "NumberRef1",
		"destinationRefId": "vn-ref-1",
		"callDuration": 10,
		"eventData": "additional event data",
		"sipCode": 200,
		"timestamp": "2019-10-16T08:12:01Z"

The JSON object will contain the following values:

namespaceString8x8 product channel definition
eventTypeStringCurrent call handle event type. CALL_STATUS, CALL_ACTION or SESSION_SUMMARY
descriptionStringDescription of the current call handle event type
payloadobjectcontains call information about the current number masking session
eventIdStringId unique to a event of the current number masking session [UUID]
callIdStringId unique to a call leg of the current number masking session [UUID]
sessionIdStringId unique to the current number masking session [UUID]
subAccountIdStringunique id for your subacount
callStatusStringStatus of the current call leg. Values can be:
callDirectionStringDirection of the call leg. INBOUND or OUTBOUND
callTypeStringFor Number Masking the call type is always PSTN
sourceStringSource number of the call leg. For inbound calls, the source represents the calling user's phone number
destinationStringDestination number of the call leg. For inbound calls, the destination represents one of Virtual numbers allocated to your subaccount
sourceFormatStringSource format for number masking is always MSISDN
sourceCountryCodeStringCountry code of the source number
destinationCountryCodeStringCountry code of the destination number
callDurationIntegerCall duration for the current call leg
sipCodeIntegerFinal Sip status code for the call leg defined by RFC 3261
TimestampTimestampTimestamp of the processed event

To start your call flow you need to reply to the call handle with an HTTP 200 response code including a Call Action in the HTTP response body. The supported Call Actions are:

  • PlayTTS - Generates and plays a TTS to the calling user.
  • PlayFile - Plays a pre-recorded message to the calling user.
  • MakeCall - Initiates an outgoing call to the desired destination. Once answered, the calling user and the second user (outgoing call destination) will be connected to the same call flow.
  • Hangup - Terminates the ongoing call.