Developer Tools - API Keys and Webhooks

8x8 Connect allows developers to manage their API Keys and Webhooks easily through their respective pages.

API Keys

This page allows to see, create and manage any API keys associated to your account.
API keys are used to authenticate with all 8x8 APIs, more information can be found here.


This page allows you to see, create and manage your webhooks.

Webhooks are used for 8x8 to automatically send you information such as delivery receipt and incoming messages. You can find more informations on webhooks here .

The webhook list will show you information such as:

  • Subaccount: The subaccount the webhook is attached to.

  • Type: The type of webhook which relates to the API it is tied to (Chat Apps, SMS).

  • URL: The URL the webhooks are being sent.

  • HTTP Authorization: The HTTP Authorization (if any) that is being used. For now the HTTP Authorization is a string that is added to the header that your server can use to authenticate the webhook.

    • You can find more information on the parameter here under the Body Params Object.
  • Content Type (Deprecated): No longer used in newer webhooks.

  • Status: Whether the webhook is enabled/disabled

When you click on the "Add new webhook" button you will see this pop up.

The popup above allows you to create new webhooks, it can be enabled for all sub-accounts or for a specific one only.

You can then select if you want to setup this webhook for SMS or for ChatApps. If you select SMS you will receive both incoming SMS and SMS delivery information on this webhook.

As mentioned above, the HTTP authorization is an optional parameter, in case your webhook requires authentication.

Webhooks can also be managed via API, here for ChatApps and here for SMS.