Customer Interface
When a customer is first invited by an agent to join a call, they will receive an SMS with a link to join a call. Upon clicking onto the link, it will launch their mobile browser where they can use the video conferencing solution to speak with an agent.
SMS Link
Here is what the SMS Link will look like for the customer.
Video Room
Upon clicking the link, the customer will first be taken to a room lobby where they can fill out their display name for the agent to see.
Here is what the call screen looks like once the customer joins and the relevant buttons explained below.
The following options are available:
- Camera Flip: Flip between front and back camera on the smartphone device.
- Mic On/Off: Allows customer to mute/unmute.
- Camera On/Off: Allows customer to turn on/off their camera.
- End Call: Ends the call for both agent and customer.
- Chat: Open Chat Window to allow the customer to chat.
- Take Screenshot: Take a screenshot of the current screen.
Below is what the Chat window looks like when opened by the customer, it will allow customers to both view and respond to agent messages.
Take Screenshot - Annotation
When using the Take Screenshot feature, it is possible for the agent and the customer to annotate a screenshot in real time.
In the image below, yellow markings are from the customer while blue/teal markings are from the agent.
The available commands for both the customer and agent are:
- Delete Screenshot: Immediately deletes the screenshot and resumes the normal video call.
- Undo all: Reverses either the customer or the agent's actions on the annotation.
- Undo Single: Reverses the last annotation by the customer or agent
- Send Annotation: Sends the current annotation image to the chat for either party to view.
Updated about 1 year ago