
Steps make up a workflow definition. Each step has a unique id that identifies it within that workflow definition. This page aims to define each type of step and the properties that make up that step to better understand how they can be used as part of a workflow definition.

Steps allow you to create custom workflow definitions that can perform different actions within that workflow instance.

List of Steps

Step NameDescriptionExample
SMS MessageSMS step allows you to send a message to a recipient as a SMS.Send an SMS message to a customer.
ChatApps MessageChatApps Message step allows you to send a message using 8x8 Chat Apps messaging API.Send a ChatApps message to a customer.
WaitWait step allows you to make the workflow wait for a specified period of time before executing the next step.Wait 2 hours to send a reminder message to a customer.
BranchAllows you to create multiple paths in a workflow.Use a Branch step to decide what message to send based on a customer's reply. If a customer replies with 1, send a reminder message. If they reply with 2, send a different message.
WaitForReplyThe WaitForReply step type allows your workflow to pause till you receive a reply from an end userWait till a customer responds to a message. You can pair it with a branch step to decide what to do based on that response.

For example you may want to send a message asking a user to check their email for an OTP, then use Wait for Reply to wait for the user to input the OTP before proceeding to the next step.
Voice MessageSend a Voice Call to a numberPlay a voice message to a specified phone number with a reminder.
HTTP RequestSend an HTTP request to an endpoint. Useful for integrating with APIs.This may be useful to query an HTTP endpoint and use the value returned as part of the flow. For example you can query the Google Calendar API for available meeting slots and use the slots as part of a message response for a user.
Jump ToSkip to another step in the workflow definition. This is often useful to better organise your workflow definition.For example there may be a menu with many options and some of them refer to the same message such as:

1) Office Hours of Restaurant Location 1
2) Office Hours of Restaurant Location 2
3) Office Hours of Restaurant Location 3

If 1+2 are the same, you can use a Jump Step to point to a message that would contain the same message.
Send to ConverseSend the current conversation to Converse for an agent to take over.As part of a menu, you can give the option for the user to escalate to a live agent.

Step Descriptions

SMS Message

SMS step allows you to send a message to a recipient as a SMS using the 8x8 SMS API.

Example of Step

Example of Step

Example of Step Properties

Example of Step Properties

PropertyDescriptionExample Value
Step NameUnique name that identifies a step.send_sms123
SubaccountThe 8x8 Subaccount that the message will be sent from.subaccount123
Sender IDEither the SMS Sender ID or the Virtual Number that the message will be sent from and the user will see.44703492340 (Number that is tied to the subaccount123)
DestinationThe Phone Number that you would like to send the SMS to.{{data.payload.source}} (If the workflow was triggered by an inbound message, this variable would refer to the sender of that inbound message).

ChatApps Message

ChatAppsMessage step allows you to send a message using 8x8 Chat Apps API.

Example of Step

Example of Step

Example of Step Properties

Example of Step Properties

PropertyDescriptionExample Value
Step NameUnique name that identifies a step.send_sms123
SubaccountThe 8x8 Subaccount that the message will be sent from.subaccount123
DestinationThe Phone Number that you would like to send the SMS to.{{data.payload.source}} (If the workflow was triggered by an inbound message, this variable would refer to the sender of that inbound message).
Select an exisiting template or compose a new messageIf required, you should select an existing template for the ChatApps Platform you are using. For example WhatsApp requires templates for the first message sent to a customer.N/A
MessageA Preview of the message that will be sent to a customer.Hi {{1}}, good news, your package has been shipped!
ParametersVariables that can be inputted into a message template that will replace the placeholders.If the variable is {{1}} and the value is "Hello", {{1}} will be replaced by "Bob".

Example Template:
Hi {{1}}, good news, your package has been shipped!

Replaced Message:
Hi Bob, good news, your package has been shipped!


Wait step allows you to make the workflow wait for a specified period of time before executing the next step.

Step and Properties in UI  
(Note: The duration is yet to be updated, that's why it shows 00:00:00 on the left)

Step and Properties in UI
(Note: The duration is yet to be updated, that's why it shows 00:00:00 on the left)

PropertyDescriptionExample Value
Step NameUnique name that identifies a step.wait_6686
DurationDuration to wait before proceeding onto the next step5 hours


Allows you to create multiple paths in a workflow.

The example below shows the next steps after and before the branch to illustrate it's use.

  • The Wait For Reply Step (waitforreply_8622) just before this is waiting for a input from a user
  • The Branch Step (branch_8338) checks the value returned in the Wait For Reply Step
    • If 1, chatappsmessage_0501 step is executed, delivering the message "Please enter your email address:"
    • If 2, chatappmessage_9836 step is executed, delivering the message "Goodbye".

Example of Step Properties

Example of Step Properties

PropertyDescriptionExample Value
Step NameUnique name that identifies a step.branch_8338
Please select a conditionThere are a few possibilities of values to check such as:
1) Check if a value contains a string
2) Check country code of a mobile number
3) Check if date falls within some time of day
4) Check the day of the week of a date
5) Custom Condition
Ii you select "Check if a value contains a string" that allows you to branch off of a user input provided in a previous step.
Value to checkThis allows you to refer to a previous step in the workflow definition and the value it contains. Use the value a user inputted in a Wait For Reply Step as part of the branch logic
Keywords to CompareFixed values to check the property "Value to Check" against.You can add 1, 2, 3 as values to compare to create a menu such as the following:
1) Enter 1 to reserve a table
2) Enter 2 for restaurant hours
3) Enter 3 for location

Wait For Reply

The WaitForReply step type allows your workflow to pause till you receive a reply from an end user.

For example you may want to send a message asking a user to check their email for an OTP, then use Wait for Reply to wait for the user to input the OTP before proceeding to the next step.

Example of Step

Example of Step

Example of Step Properties

Example of Step Properties

Step NameUnique name that identifies a step.waitforreply_8622
FromDefine which phone number or channel source to wait for a reply from.{{data.payload.user.channelUserId}}

Voice Message

The Voice message has 3 possible actions which will change the properties available. There are also generic properties that are required by all 3 possible actions.

Voice Message Step and Generic Properties Image

Example of Step

Example of Step Properties for

Example of Steps

Example of required properties  
for all actions

Example of required properties
for all actions

Generic Properties required for all actions

PropertyDescriptionExample Value
Step NameUnique name that identifies a step.voicemessage_5246
Please Select a Voice SubaccountChoose the subaccount to use for the voice call. It should have a 8x8 Phone Number configuredsubaccount123
ActionChoose what type of voice message to play to a user:
1) Message with DTMF
2) Text to Speech
3) Play an Audio File
"Message with DTMF"
SourceThe Phone Number to place the call from+6512345678
DestinationThe Phone Number to callA Phone Number such as +6512345678. Or a variable such as {{data.PhoneNumber}} if the workflow is triggered by a HTTP trigger for exmaple.

"Text to Speech" Action Properties Image

Example of Step Propertie

Example of Step Propertie

"Text to Speech" Action-specific Properties

PropertyDescriptionExample Value
LanguageThe Language of the messageen-US for English (US)
Voice ProfileA customized and unique synthesis of vocal characteristics, pitch, and intonation created for a specific user, providing a personalized and natural-sounding audio experience.en-US en-US-AriaRUS for a Female English speaker
SpeedHow fast to playback the message1 for default speed, 2 for 200% speed.
RepetitionHow many times to play the message1 for playing the message once.

"Play an Audio File" Action Image

Example of Properties for Play an Audio File

Example of Properties for Play an Audio File

"Play an Audio File" Action Properties

PropertyDescriptionExample Value
RepetitionHow many times to play the message"1" to play the message once
Audio URLPublicly accessible URL of the audio file to playhttps://filestorage.com/file1.mp3

"Message with DTMF" Properties Image

Example of Message with DTMF Properties

Example of Message with DTMF Properties

"Message with DTMF" Action Properties

PropertyDescriptionExample Value
MessageThe message to play using text to speech"Hello, this is ABC Restaurants"
LanguageThe Language of the messageen-US for English (US)
Voice ProfileA customized and unique synthesis of vocal characteristics, pitch, and intonation created for a specific user, providing a personalized and natural-sounding audio experience.en-US en-US-AriaRUSfor a Female English speaker
SpeedHow fast to playback the message"1" for default speed, "2" for 200% speed.
RepetitionHow many times to play the message"1" for playing the message once.
Minimum DigitMinimum amount of digits of input to accept"1" for needing to accept 1 digit of input
Maximum DigitMaximum amount of digits of input to accept"2", so it will only accept at maximum 2 digits
DTMF Timeout (ms)How long in milliseconds to wait for a DTMF response"5000" would make the step wait for 5 seconds / 5000 milliseconds
Call Timeout (ms)How long in milliseconds to wait for an answer to a call"5000" for making the step wait 5 seconds for an answered call.
Complete on HashWhether to complete the message on a hash"Yes" to require a hash to input a DTMF, "No" to accept DTMF input with just the digit
Number of TriesHow many times to try to collect input"2" for making the step try twice to collect a DTMF
End MessageMessage to play after collecting a DTMF input"Thank you for your response" to play that message at the end of DTMF collection.
DTMF InputsBranching paths based on DTMF input. You can create multiple inputs for as many paths as you would like to support.Paths:
1 for office hours
2 for office location

HTTP Request

Send an HTTP request to an endpoint. Useful for integrating with APIs.

Example of Step

Example of Step

Example of Step Properties

Example of Step Properties

Example of "Output" Property

Example of "Output" Property

Example of Query Preoperty

Example of Query Preoperty

PropertyDescriptionExample Value
Step NameUnique name that identifies a stephttprequest_1255
URLURL and Method to send an HTTP request tohttps://sheets.googleapi.com/v4/spreadsheets and GET to send a GET request to that URL
HeaderHTTP Headers to attach to the request"content-type" and "application/json" to send this key value pair as a part of the HTTP header in the request.
QueryHTTP Query to attach to the request."userInput" and "1" to send this key value pair as part of the HTTP request.
OutputSave outputs from the response of the HTTP request for use in either this step or subsequent steps."status" and "step.responseCode" to save the status property for use later in the workflow. It can be referred as a variable by using {{data.status}}.

You can use this value to take a different action depending on the response code in a branch step for example.
Request BodyThe request body to send as part of the request. The format should match the Content-Type header that you supply as part of the request.For example if the endpoint you are sending expects JSON, you should specific the content type appropriately in the header and then send JSON in the request body such as:

"values": [
TimeoutTimeout for the HTTP request"30 seconds" to wait 30 seconds before timing out

Jump To

Skip to another step in the workflow definition. This is often useful to better organise your workflow definition.

PropertyDescriptionExample value
Select a stepThis should refer to a step within the same workflow definition that you would like to execute after this jump step."chatappsmessage_6359"

Send to Converse

Send the current conversation to Converse for an agent to take over.

PropertyDescriptionExample Value
Step NameUnique name that identifies a step"sendtoconverse_6641"