24 February 2022 Release
Release Highlights
UX improvements
- Filmstrip improvements
- Updates Dutch, French, Japanese, Occitan and Spanish translations
- Fixes overflow-menu: hides "more moderation controls" option if moderator settings tab is disabled
- Removes Youtube reference where not accurate in translations
- Adds validation to shared video URLs
- Lowers raised hand by local audio level changes when participant is dominant speaker.
- Improves lobby notifications
- Hides Advanced moderation, Ask to Unmute and Grant Moderator when the local participant is a moderator and is in a breakout room
- Fixes video-quality-label to open dialog also in audio-only mode
- Adds ability to hide dominant speaker badge.
- Adds a startShareVideo command
- Deprecates startScreenSharing config option for web browsers - This is no longer supported as per the w3c spec for getDisplayMedia
- Adds hidden-from-recorder token parameter allowing to exclude a (moderator) participant from a recording or live streaming
Release version
- Jitsi Meet: 5852
- Jitsi Videobridge: 2.1-620-g93f4d88c
- Jicofo: 854
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Updated about 3 years ago