The Jitsi JSON Web Token (JWT)


For each user endpoint you enable for a meeting, you must generate a JWT token and sign it with a Private Key.

The JWT token is passed as a parameter to either the IFrame or Mobile SDK as described in the following sections.

The Jitsi JWT

The header of the JWT contains 3 claims:

  • alg

    The algorithm used for signing the JWT
  • kid

    The kid listed for the uploaded API Key see Generating the API key
  • typ

    The JWT type

For example:

  "alg": "RS256",
  "kid": "vpaas-magic-cookie-1fc542a3e4414a44b2611668195e2bfe/4f4910",
  "typ": "JWT"

The following claims are expected in the JWT body:

  • aud: “jitsi”

    This value is hardcoded in the body
  • context:

    • user:

      • id

        The user's unique identifier
      • name

        The user name
      • avatar

        The publicly available URL that points to the user avatar picture
      • email

        The user email
      • moderator

        • If the user is the moderator set to “true“
        • If this value is missing or is set to “false“ the user will not have moderator permissions.
      • hidden-from-recorder

        If set to true, the user will not show up on meeting recording/streaming.
    • features

      The permissions given to the user for accessing specified features.
      • The key represents the permission name. The value can be either “true“ or “false“.
      • Supported keys:

        • livestreaming

        • recording

        • transcription

        • sip-inbound-call

        • sip-outbound-call

        • inbound-call

        • outbound-call

      • Additional supported keys (related to special chat and polls permissions set through advanced branding):

    • room

      (optional) The configuration at the room level.
      • regex: If the value is true the room field from below can be a regex otherwise a literal match between the room name and the room claim from jwt will be performed.
  • exp

    The time after which the JWT expires
  • iss: “chat”

    This is a hardcoded value
  • nbf

    The time before which the JWT must not be accepted for processing
  • room

    This field is the meeting room name if a literal comparision is needed, a regex if the condition from above is met or a wildcard (“*”) if the token is issued for all rooms. Please review the string.match() method described in the PatternsTutorial for regex usage. Note the use of special symbols such as “-” that must be escaped with “%”.
  • sub

    The AppID unique identifier (see Webhooks for more information)

For example:

  "aud": "jitsi",
  "context": {
    "user": {
      "id": "0f8b7760-c17f-4a12-b134-c6ac37167144",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "avatar": "",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "moderator": "true"
    "features": {
      "livestreaming": "false",
      "outbound-call": "false",
      "transcription": "false",
      "recording": "false"
    "room": {
      "regex": false
  "exp": 1696284052,
  "iss": "chat",
  "nbf": 1596197652,
  "room": "*",
  "sub": "vpaas-magic-cookie-1fc542a3e4414a44b2611668195e2bfe"

For the above examples, a JWT example can be found on the Auth0 JWT site and accessing the debugger as shown in the following screenshot: