JaaS allows meeting recording, but it only stores it for 24 hours. In order to preserve the recording, you must listen for RECORDING_UPLOADED event on a webhook and download the recording from the preAuthenticatedLink
of the payload. In normal cases the recording will be uploaded within a minute of the room ending.
Video Demo
This quick video demo will take you through how recording works within JaaS, including receiving the necessary webhooks for downloading the recordings and chat transcripts, viewing a sample recording file and viewing a chat transcript.
Recording File
The Recording file will be available once you receive the RECORDING_UPLOADED webhook.
The file will be saved as an .mp4 file. The recording file will show the perspective of the participant who started the recording.
Chat Transcript
The Chat Transcript will be available for download once you receive the CHAT_UPLOADED webhook.
The file will be a JSON file, a sample of which is provided below. The <app_id> will be substituted with your JaaS App ID. The messages array will contain the message body that was sent under content.
"roomAddress": "[<app_id>][email protected]",
"meetingFqn": "<app_id>/sampleappexplosivecertaintiesresultuneasily",
"sessionId": "bcf942bf-e274-4a2b-bd7d-b34c44106add",
"timestamp": 1719366188545,
"messageType": "CHAT",
"messages": [
"jid": "[email protected]/IE3VvYnRfMgt",
"content": "hello",
"timestamp": 1719366173483
"jid": "[email protected]/IE3VvYnRfMgt",
"content": "this is a test message",
"timestamp": 1719366177102
"jid": "[email protected]/wc-hPesDyaYW",
"content": "this is a test message",
"timestamp": 1719366182937
Match Chat Transcript Message to Participant
In order to match the participant with their message, you can use the jid field insisde the messages array to match the participant to the participantFullJid field from the PARTICIPANT_JOINED webhook event.
In this case we can see the participantFullJid field matches the jid in the chat transcript so we can match this chat transcript message to this participant.
"appId": "<app_id>",
"customerId": "60d15ff098c04d71aa5fe31e06bf866e",
"data": {
"avatar": "",
"conference": "sampleappexplosivecertaintiesresultuneasily@conference.<app_id>",
"email": "[email protected]",
"flip": false,
"hidden-from-recorder": false,
"id": "google-oauth2|112808115779146378286",
"isBreakout": false,
"moderator": true,
"name": "rommel.sunga",
"participantFullJid": "[email protected]/wc-hPesDyaYW",
"participantId": "c97cc007",
"participantJid": "[email protected]"
"fqn": "<app_id>/sampleappexplosivecertaintiesresultuneasily",
"idempotencyKey": "58cda65b-434c-4332-a1a1-d3e10dae9b1e",
"sessionId": "bcf942bf-e274-4a2b-bd7d-b34c44106add",
"timestamp": 1719366103829
Updated 9 months ago