4 July 2024 Release
Release Highlights
- Improved polls UX that now allows editing and saving before sending to other participants
- Main toolbar improvements related to screen size handling
- Updates Canadian, French, German, Indonesian, Latvian, Russian and Turkish translations
- Fixes overflow menu closing in participants panel
- Improves notification UI around media data channel disconnects
- Improves visitors authentication error handling to provide better feedback specific to the visitors case
- Improved and more intuitive visitors UI
- Extends recording notification timeout
- Properly closes breakout rooms menu after clicking on it
- Adds a full screen button for iPad browsers
- Large conferences performance improvements
- Fixes a rare failure in which after a web socket reconnect we may fail to playback/render some sources
- Updates the bitrate settings for 1080p and 4K
- Fixes an issues where microphone change for Safari fails
- Saves the local recording if the conference fails
- Use an exponential backoff time for initiating ICE restart to prevent loading the signaling servers
- Fixes poor low resolution video from for older electron versions when the codec changes from VP9->VP8->VP9
- A number of improvements to our Toolbar API. It now allows to specify a custom order for different screen sizes.
- Allows overriding desktop deep linking toggle (deeplinking.desktop.enabled)
- Fixes hideConferenceSubject config
- Adds config to hide login button on the "Wait For Owner" dialog
- Includes transcription state in recordingStatusChanged
- Add ability to start transcriptions together with recordings
- Adds isLiveStreamingRunning helper
Client version update Aug 13, 2024
- Fixes IP address exposure in Giphy and shared video features.
Release version
- Release: 5218
- Jitsi Meet: 8043
- Jitsi Videobridge: 2.3-149-g793df5a9
- Jicofo: 1084
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Updated 8 months ago