The following list describes some of the possible webhook eventTypes
- ROOM_CREATED: the first participant joins a room
- PARTICIPANT_LEFT: a participant leaves the meeting
- PARTICIPANT_LEFT_LOBBY: a participant leaves the lobby
- TRANSCRIPTION_UPLOADED: a meeting transcription is uploaded
- CHAT_UPLOADED: the meeting chat is successfully uploaded
- ROOM_DESTROYED: the meeting room is destroyed after all of the participants have left
- PARTICIPANT_JOINED: a new participant joins an ongoing meeting
- PARTICIPANT_JOINED_LOBBY: a new participant joins the lobby
- RECORDING_STARTED: the meeting recording is started
- RECORDING_ENDED: the meeting recording is ended
- RECORDING_UPLOADED: the meeting recording is uploaded
- LIVE_STREAM_STARTED: live streaming started
- LIVE_STREAM_ENDED: live streaming ended
- SETTINGS_PROVISIONING: allow customers the option to define pre-meeting password and lobby settings
- SIP_CALL_IN_STARTED: a sip call-in started
- SIP_CALL_IN_ENDED: a sip call-in ended
- SIP_CALL_OUT_STARTED: a sip call-out started
- SIP_CALL_OUT_ENDED: a sip call-out ended
- FEEDBACK: feedback is submitted
- DIAL_IN_STARTED: the participant dial into the meeting
- DIAL_IN_ENDED: the participant that dial has left the meeting
- DIAL_OUT_STARTED: the dial participant has joined the meeting after being called
- DIAL_OUT_ENDED: the dial participant that was called has left the meeting
- USAGE: the event used for counting MAU (Monthly Active Users)
- SPEAKER_STATS: the event used for counting how long every participant spoke.
- POLL_CREATED: a poll was created
- POLL_ANSWER: a user answered/updated an answer for a poll
- REACTIONS: the participant sends a reaction
- AGGREGATED_REACTIONS: all the reactions from the meeting
- SCREEN_SHARING_HISTORY: snapshots that are taken from the screen share session when the recording is on
- VIDEO_SEGMENT_UPLOADED: segments taken from the recording
- ROLE_CHANGED: a non-moderator participant is given moderator rights
- RTCSTATS_UPLOADED: a participant statistics file is available
- TRANSCRIPTION_CHUNK_RECEIVED: a transcription phrase received during the meeting
Updated over 1 year ago